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Nov 1, 2002
What Is a good and clean software that can be used ?
I have used trend-micro for 8 months and blocked over 100,000 spam e-mails. Not only does it block spam it lets you set up properties to perform many other functions. Such as monitor certain e-mail accounts, block certain people from sending an individual or the entire system e-mail, monitor if a certain word is used etc... it is amazing. (A tip: I started by entering each domain of e-mail that came in, time consuming to say the least, when I created a blocking profile with words like unsubscribe, remove from list, don't send me this anymore, I blocked thousands without all the work)
Mail Marshal SMTP works just like above, filtering, logging, etc. Sits on a different server (not needing a powerhouse) and filters before anything hits your Exchange box. DON'T buy anything that sits on top of Exchange as Exchange is fragile enough, you don't want to crash your e-mail server often...
Which of these is the most cost effective of spam software for exchange 5.5?
How much is each? It would just be for a small company.
Last time I installed Mail Marshal SMTP it was about $1600 for 25 users...I ran it on an old Dell PC (500MHz, 256Mb, 4Gb) with Win2K server installed and it works fine for 10x that many users.

Look at mailmarshal.com and find your nearest distributor for a real quote.

This looks like the one i might try the marshal one .
Another piece of software, or method:

1) xWall by DataEnter ( uses the baysian spam filtering technique like spam assassin - i've found that it works fairly well.

2) Set up a Mail Gateway using OpenBSD w. SpamD and SpamAssassin. Not necessarily a gateway but it sits listening on 25, accepts all messages then simply tosses those into Exchange upon processing.

Cheers - ian
Yes xWall works great. Uses RBL lookups, Bayesian, and content filtering. Creates a whitelist as well based on outgoing emails all for $349.00.
How do you setup a gateway with a Windows2000 machine? As Alex indicates, running the filtering software on a different machine is preferred, but how do you setup Exchange5.5 to receive from that machine, and how do you setup the SMTP on the windows2000 machine to forward to exchange server?

In exchange admin under the IMS options select the tab connections and put the IP under "Forward all messages to host:"

On your Antivirus software on the host you are forwarding to, there should be an option to send email to your IP of your exchange server.

I have a question about the setup, I have a separate box running Trend-Micro's Interscan Messaging Security Suite to pre-filter all my emails (both in and out) for viruses, spam and other key items. I have been able to configure the software to filter all inbound email to my site by pointing port 25 from my firewall at the filter server, however when I am trying to send all outbound email from my IMC to the filter server I get a "message relaying denied to xxxxx.com" error for every outbound message my server tries to send outbound.

The only change I made to the IMC was to add the IP address of the filter server to the "forward all messages to host" setting in the IMC on the connections tab. Did I make the change in the wrong place?
Is your Trend-Micro Interscan also a SMTP server or offer these services?
If so then you will have to configure that to send out your emails such as pointing it to your exchange server for inbound messages and your Trend should handle the forwarded outgoing messages from your exchange server.

I use X-wall and run it on another server since it needs port 25 for SMTP and point it towards our exchange server and point the exchange server to x-wall.
I am running Trend on a separate box, it acts as an SMTP server since it receives the traffic on port 25 and then filters it and forwards it to my mailserver's IMC. I am having a problem getting traffic outbound from the IMC to pass thru the Trend box without an error.

I am pretty sure I am setting the IMC correctly, just the "forward all messages to host" setting in the IMC on the connections tab, unless I missed something else?

I may have to call Trend.
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