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Another Potential Access Speed Improvement

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Mar 29, 2002
JGoodman00's thread thread702-206410 relating to potential speedups of form loading, has prompted me to submit this thread. It relates to something I came across a couple of years ago; hav'nt really heard a lot about it since, but at the time it had an enormous impact on the speed that Access initially loaded (and closed down) some of my applications, so it may be worth checking out.

Believe it or not, it relates to the option settings in MICROSOFT OUTLOOK. If you have Outlook installed on your workstation (even if you dont use it!!), then you may be a candidate for checking this out:

(a) Open Microsoft Outlook
(b) From its Tools, Options menu, select the Preferences tab, and click on the "Journal, Options" button. In the bottom left of the "Journal Options" which comes up, you'll see a set of checkboxes for the various Office products, beneath the heading of "Also record files from:"
(c) If any of these items are checked, then whenever you subsequently use any of the Office products, an entry is written to the Outlook journal recording a transaction of WHEN YOU started the Office application. Another will be recorded to the Outlook Journal when you exit the application.

I can't recall all of the details relating to Where the Outlook journal was / is, located, but if this journal gets large (which it can), or if its located over a network, then you can get significant Office product degradation when starting or terminating the office product session (yes, it obviously also degrades the starting and stopping of products other than Access; ie. Excel, Word, Powerpoint etc.; depends on what is ticked)

The simple solution to this problem, is to go into Outlook and ensure that these items are unchecked on the tab page indicated (unless you have good reasons to leave some/all of them checked, though I've yet to see anyone really use them - example given for their use is billing purposes ???)

A couple of years ago, when you installed Outlook, these options were set to CHECKed by default; the Desktop Services people came in one weekend, did the installation of Outlook, accepted all the defaults then disappeared (into the sunset).

It took us a little time to relate the degradation in performance, to Outlook being the cause (....well its not obvious; its not as if the options to log the Outlook Journal entries are provided from within Access, Excel etc! They sit "quietly" in Outlook, which we didnt even use at the time. We used Notes; OUtlook was installed as part of an OS upgrade I think.)

I dont know if today Outlook sets the default check values to unchecked (which would be sensible), so if you use Outlook, suggest you have a look. If nothing else, you can save yourself from having squilions of transactions from being generated (I think they appear as tasks).

Lets have some feedback if anyone is aware of the current default settings, or has improvements in Access startup or Closedown times,

You are 100% correct and the one i am using, as far as i know - Outlook 2000, suffered the same journally fate. Working on frantically busy shared servers really doesn't help either!

Those chappies really do like their defaults, don't they?


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