Created a sub report in which some calculation are done.
Then change those number into string and calling them in MAIN report just to show them in groups with each group
giving different numbers.
but at the report run time gets an error " An Array's dimension must be an integer between 1 and 1000"
The variable is called in the report as this:
numbervar grpadd;
shared stringvar str_gas;
tonumber (split(str_gas,"^")grpadd)"
it is displaying a long thread of number as 1^2^3^4^5^6^7^8^9
each number has to be displayed at respective group level.
in the subreport it is declared as:
shared numbervar gasoline;
shared stringvar str_gas := str_gas + totext(gasoline) + "^";
while "shraed numbervar gasoline" is described as
shared numbervar gasoline;
gasoline := Sum ({@cust_set_total}, {P_LIQ_STLMNT_AGMT_BY_STATION.STATION_CD})
any help on this would be appreciated.