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AMD ATHLON cpu temperature 13

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Technical User
Jun 3, 2002
Hey, I have lately been very worried about my CPU temperature, reaching over 65celcius when the case is closed....
I have found a new software prog which tells me the temperature, and I tested and it is accurate, And I have kept an eye on it, And I am getting very worried with the temperatures, compards to other peoples CPU's, mine is sky high.
I have an AMD ATHLON 1.3 gig hertz, and I wanted to know what the normal temp it should be, and how high exactly it can go until I should be worried.
Also my motherboards temp is 35celius usually...Is that also normal?
Thanks in advance....

For a 1.3 GHz, 65C is too hot. Did you build this system yourself or was it pre-built?
65C is Very hot, but i would say the 35C on the mobo is fine! ----------------------------------------
There are 2 types of computer, the prototype and the obsolete!!
I run an AMD Athlon thunderbird 1.3Ghz - it gets up to about 50-52C.

I would suggest that perhaps you might need another cooler - that software you are refering to, does it tell you how fast the cooler is turning - it needs to be around 4000rpm ish.

Another thing, you could get a system blower to take warm air out of your machine - they cost a few quid.

In the meantime, if possible, open the side up and stick a fan next to it to keep it cool - I am sure you will have noticed how unreliable the system is when the cpu is that hot.

As for giving a definitive temerature for a CPU, that's difficult because it all depends on ambient. If you said that your CPU was running at ambient plus 30; in the UK today it would be around 40C whereas in Florida 60C.

I do however agree that mid 40-50's is about right. Your CPU will perform less good the hotter it becomes. Some say that 30C is a max temp for max performance.

However, all is not doom and gloom, the Athlon will work at up to 90C but not very well, and at that point is close to frying temp.

Mr suggestion is to get a good quality heatsink fan and possibly install a case fan as an addition.
Phil [roll1]
Si fractum non sit, noli id reficere.
Nearly right!
Athlons over 1gig have a "fry" temp" of 95C (death)
AMD themselves give an absolute max continuos running temperature of 70C
Teckies on the other hand generally put this absolute max continuos at around the 60C mark for stability.
As for what your 1.3 should be doing well that depends on the ambient temperature of the air in the room.
Because we are talking about "AIR COOLING" the temperature of the air blowing onto the heatsink is directly linked to CPU temp.
If the air blowing onto the CPU is cooler then so will be the processor.
Effectively if you can "turn over" the air in the case with extra case fans drawing in cool air and blowing out warm exhaust air you don't allow you sytem components to dramatically increase this airs temperature so giving the CPU fan the coolest possible air supply. BUT OBVIOUSLY THIS DEPENDS ON THE TEMPERATURE OF THE AMBIENT AIR SURROUNDING THE CASE.
My experience is here in the UK a 1.3 Athlon MAX'S at below 50C with a well sorted cooling sollution (nothing special)
Buy a copper bottomed heatsink/cooler rated for 2.2gig XP+ and fit at least two extra case fans.
Martin Please let members know if there advice has helped any.
You guys are great, thanks heaps. I will get onto a new cooler and also fit in a case fan if I can. I have been running it with the case on even over summer the last summer (summer here in australia again just starting....), So I have been frying it, heh. I do not really find it unstable when it gets hot, I just worry about it frying...I have had no problems of any such.
And for the fan speed, it is in the 5000's rpm, and doesn't seem to go any faster???
I got a new cooler, it stays around 52celcius whilst the case is on, but it is a cold few days here, so I have not yet experienced it with a hot day.
Check if the fan of your power supply is running. If not get a new one. Have you overclocked your processor? If the voltage of the cpu is set to high it gets very hot. Try turning the voltage down. Since when did the cpu got this hot? What has changed?
Fan in powersupply IS working.
processor is a 1.3gig hertz, so I was told when I bought it. ;) It is normal to have to set it to 133mhertz or whatever in bios?
Anyway, it has always been this hot, if you had looked at the dates of when this post was made.
Here is my voltages shown in this screenshot I just took, (cpu and mb temps might be abit lower to what I've said as I have just shut down the comp to check a few things)
Well if you can keep it around 49-50 celcius then nothing can happen. I think the air flow in your case is bad. Try to bind all cables together using a simple tie-wrap. The air has to move from to bottom to the top and should be sucked away there by the power supply. Also don't place your pc to close to a heating radiator.

Just cool that sucker down.
The voltages seem about right, and you can set them?

Also, can someone explain to me exactly what a heatsink is.
I have a fan, and it has a heatsink on it, I don't understand but yeah. =/

And a case fan would help, huh?
A heatsink is a metal block that is installed on top of your cpu. The Heatsink absorves the heat the cpu produces. On top of the heatsink sits the fan. This blows the heat away form the heatsink and cooles it down so it can absorve heat constantly.
My computer system consist of the following, an
Athlon XP 2400+ (Retail), with a Asus A7V8X MB,
Antec Case power supply 350 Watt model SX835II,
IBM 60 MB HD, Ati Radeon 9500 8X 64MB video card, 512 MB ddr, DVD Rom drive. The case has two rear fans drawing the
air out of the case, cool air is coming in from the filtered front of the case. My room temperature is 17c,
cpu 37c, MB 30c, cpu fan running at 4891. System has been in operation for about an hour.
After a night with the case on and me sleeping also,
MB = 45celcius
CPU = 60.5 celcius

Still a bit warm for a 1.3 Foordy, you definately would benefit from having a couple of case fans fitted.

Almost all cases have proper mounting places for additional 80mm case fans, usually one at the front bottom and another at the top rear.
These fans cost just a few dollars each but can lower CPU temps dramatically (as much as 15C)
The reason why they make so much differance is because they lower the cases internal air temperature, which in turn lowers the temperature of the air that is blown on the processor, the temperature of the air in the case is directly proportional to the CPU temp (cooler the case air, cooler the CPU will be.
The standard fan fitment is: front lower fan "sucking in" cool air.
Top rear "exhausting" warm air out.

The heatsink draws heat "OFF" the processor, up and along the fins, then the fan blows the heat off the fins.
A small application of thermal paste "MUST BE" applied to the rectangular raised processor core (about a rice grain sized amount)
Recess in heatsink base is situated "over" the socket "A" writing of the CPU socket.
Replying helps further our knowledge, without comment leaves us wondering.
OK, I am considering buying the new Intel Pentium 4 3.06 ghertz. Will that run hotter? My current fan is noisey, as was my last one due to the speeds it has to run at.
Also, if anyone has any idea how much the new intel pentium 4 3.06gighertz chip is, in USD or AUD, I'd much appreciate it, as I couldn't find a price.
I think the whole problem lies in the fact that you didn't used a proper fan. The heatsink is propably not large enough or doesn't have a total smooth surface so the heat isn't absorved fast enough. I definatly get a good and proper fan with a big heatsink.
I have an Athlon also, last week I noticed it was running hotter that normal. (55c 130f). When I opened the case I noticed the fan cases on the back were not working. I fixed that and the temperature went down to 44 celsius, 111 fahrenheit! It is the rear fans that really help. They are cheap, get two if your case will allow it. They will increase the noise some, but so what.

You MUST have a good cpu cooler also. Case fans only help.
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