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amd 1.4Ghz temp problem

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Technical User
Aug 4, 2001
Hi, I just got an AMD 1.4 Ghz T-bird with 256 DDR ram and Asus a7a266 mobo

I noticed that it is runnign very hot CPU: 65 C / 148 F and mobo 28 C / 82 F.

After some research i put in two 80mm intake fans, one at the bottom front and one in the side. Also put in a slot fan under the video card and a 80mm exhaust fan on the top.

My system is now at CPU 56 C and mobo 25 C / 78 F.

Does anyone know what the acceptable temp. is for a 1.4Ghz athalon is? I cannot find it on
From all my research 56 C still seems too high.

Thanks in advance

Hi, I bought the a7a266 when it first came out and found the temp to be too high also on my 1.2 gig t-bird, over the summer it would overheat and my pc would let out a long beeeeeeep. I updated my bios to their newest revision and it got HOTTER as a result, so don't do that. I bought an aluminum case with good fans and it helped a little, but I am planning on ditching the asus board in favor of an abit kg7-raid board. If you REALLY want to hate your asus a7a266 board try to install a tv tuner card on it, it won't work, no matter what you try, I've tried several different brands and none will work.
The best advice is that given from experience! don't take too much notice of officialdum, they post max's for 1 gig plus Athlons at 95C !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!
You will notice by reading lots of posts for the 1.4 T/bird that most people are comfortably getting mid to low 50's MAX!!!!!
Take NOTE* MAX ( after a hard bash in quake or UT)
SO if 56c is your MAX then fine!!! but if this is your idle then your MAX could be 10-15 degrees higher than this?? and this would be a problem.
Just a foot note*** I have seen several posts where people have been complaining that with certain heatsinks they have been getting unusually high temperature readings!! something to do with air restriction around the temperature probe!! not sure which heatsink!! Martin.
Do some research on heatsinks, and select the one that you think will do the job best for you. I suggest some of the interesting reading on Tom's ( One thing shown there was a comparison of two Intel chips and two AMD chips run without heatsinks. Not that anyone would do this - the point in that article was what could happen if your heatsink/fan came off while your system was on.

Something else that makes a difference with CPU (and other) temperatures is the case structure and fan setup. I bought a Tornado 1000 from 3DCool ( when I was overclocking a PIII.

A good source of information on heat dissipation is the overclocker's forums; there are lots of them out there.

Good luck.

Dave Kelsen.
Never raise your hands to your kids; it leaves your groin unprotected.
I just read my post back!! what I meant to say, which wasn't very clear in my previous post was some people with this board!! the Asus a7a 266 are getting false, high CPU temperature readings caused by certain heatsinks restricting the air flow around the temperature probe.
Sorry don't know the heatsink, think it was a swiftech??
can't be sure. Martin
I have an AMD 1.4 G with Asus board.

Ambient temp arround 26C

but when I turn on the computer (first time on the day)
Asus Probe reports 57C and during usage it can go as high as 69C

surely 57C on start up is false, and not related to air flow?

Schu, while the 57 C reading may be false, it may not be. Read the comparison on Tom's (referenced above) about CPU heat; it seems that the AMD chips generate a lot of heat, quickly. This is not an indictment of AMD - if I were buying a new system today, I might very well purchase one myself - just an observation.

Dave Kelsen.
Necrophilia: that uncontrollable urge to crack open a cold one.
wow, dave

It's scary (i just went to Toms).

My AMD 1.4 has a large heatsink with two fans on either end, I am not too sure about the make because they gave it me with the purchase of the processor.

I am not a DIY person, so I cannot install a fan in the case or create an airflow system in my case.

I have applied some thermal compound, and it seems a little better, but I see that the heatsink actually only touches the CPU on 5 points, the four pads on each corner and the middle of the CPU.

So what is the best solution?

Minimum modifications to case and lesser chance of the CPU going up in smoke.

My temp still goes up to about 65C.
I have seem some plates which mount ton top of the processor with holes for the bits that stick out. so that more of the CPU touches the heat sink, would that help?

That probably would help; the objective is to get as much contact between the CPU and the heatsink as possible.

If you run your system with the cover off, you can see to verify that both the fans on your heatsink are running. One thing the overclockers do is to use a sandpaper or a dremel tool to flatten the surface of the processor and/or the heatsink! I don't recommend this, and I wouldn't do it myself, just an observation. The heatsink/fan combination that came with the CPU should be adequate to the job, since you're not overclocking. 65 C is high, but may be OK.

If you feel that you have to do something about it (and I would consider Paparazi's advice above), you can find information and advice on sites like Tom's.

Changing the heatsink is not as dificult a proposition as it sounds; it shouldn't be any more problem than changing out a hard drive. Sometimes it's more difficult than it should be because of the clips used to secure the heatsink to the processor.

With respect to airflow, in most cases you can install a fan in the front of the case that pulls in cool(er) air, and a fan on the back side that exhausts hot air; the PS fan does this, but doesn't pull much from the case primarily exhausting heat generated by the power supply itself. You may be able to provide more distance between your CPU and your PCI cards (which generate heat by using electricity) by simply selecting another slot. Since there is only one (if you have one at all) AGP slot, you can't move that card, of course.

Good lluck!

Dave Kelsen.
Axe me about Ebonics.
Maybe a pad could get some contact with the CPU to transfer the heat? When I worked for a bullet manufacturer we use to use real thin sheets of brass/copper for spacers. I wonder what effect some sheets of aluminum foil or gold leaf would have? If you do not like my post feel free to point out your opinion or my errors.
Why not watercool your CPU? I'm running a watercooled rig with a 156 watt TEC, the CPU is 1.33 T-Bird AXIA stepping at 2.1 Vcore running smooth at 1.60 GHz load temps are 5C, idle -10C.
OK here's your problem, the 1.4 Athlon at default speed puts out more heat than a 60 watt light bulb in a surface area roughly the size of your pinky nail. Obivously dealing with this heat is not easy. Most serious overclockers/power users use a number of case fans and expensive heatsinks to deal with this heat, In my case I chose active watercooling using a Heatercore from a 1980s Ford Escort, an aquarium pump, and a Copper heat exchanger which is clamped to the TEC which is in turn clamped to the CPU slug. Obivously this is not a viable solution here. There are however a number of options which you can use to reduce your opperation temps. 1st is to remove your heatsink, clean the thermal interface compound off, then go to Radio Shack and purchase some Thermal Paste. Spread a thin layer on the CPU die (only the small purple rectagne in the middle of the CPU) and reseat your heatsink. This will vastly improve the thermal transfer between the CPU and the heatsink. Personally I use a substance known as Arctic Silver which is a silver powder suspended in thermal greese. Silver has the highest thermal conductivity of any metal (even gold) and this fills the microscopic gaps where air can exist. AMDs over 1GHz typically run at about 45C - 50C (assuming you have proper case ventilation) when at default clock speeds. I wouldn't worry about your temps, they are fine for a "normal" system.

OH, as to thermal probe innacuracy, this is CAUSED by air cooling the probe. A thermal probe is suppossed to contact the bottom of the CPU to gain a temp reading, the Asus and a few others are too short to gain contact. The Temp probes on Abit, Iwill, and MSI seem to be the most accurate asside from installing your own temp probe on the CPU (this is the only temp reading I trust).

Hope I didn't bake too many noodles, I've been an avid overclocker since my Celeron days and have been using watercooling since Slot Athlons.
I note some varying advice in the above posts!!!
I also note that Schu says he is not very DIY minded!!
The simplest solution for Schu would be to fit an extra TWO fans as a matter of some urgency!
They either clip into a plastic cage, very easy!!!
Or simply mount with four scews!! come on Schu even you can do that!!
you can purchace the fans that have a built in power harness so they just literally just plug into spare power sockets on the power supply loom, really all very easy Schu!!
Front bottom : sucking IN!
Middle back : also sucking IN! (this maybe slightly contraversial as most people use this point to exhaust! I have found it works better to suck in air from this point as it blows straight across the
CPU/fan supplying it with the coolest possible air. Martin
I have an asus A7A266 mobo with a 1.2 Athlon cpu, a 256 DDR memory chip and a V7700 video card.

I have had some problems with my system crashing. Probably due to overheat cause it would happen more frequently during summer time. The fact of the matter is this: my computer usually crashes once it reached about 60C.(actually, it either freezes or reboots on its own) I have an asus v7700 video card with the smart doctor utility in as well and i turned on the cpu cooling option. Now, something i also noticed is that my video card does reach high temperatures when i play games like Tribes 2. (by high temperatures, i mean close to 60C again) Do you think any of my problems could be related to my video card heat? One last thing. This may sound pretty weird but here it comes. Even if my computer is completely idle except for winamp, it usually crashes in less then 30 minutes...

Will be grateful for any help
thanks in advance
I have used COOLER MASTER fans and they seem to be good. I have satisafactory results with that and AOPEN mother boards.
:) ramani :-9
(Subramanian.G),FoxAcc, ramani_g@yahoo.com
I also have the same problems with the AMD 1400Mhz processors. Recently I have replace/installed an Antec brand heatsink rated to 1500Mhz and two case fans one FB blowing in and one BM blowing out, but still I run at idle 57C. I am baout ready to throw the darn mobo and processor away and switch to Intel, but would rather stick with AMD. If anyone has any type of ideas not mention please help us all with the similiar problem.

PC Specs:

1400Mhz AMD Athalon
A7A266 Asus Motherboard
Antec heatsink rated to 1500Mhz
2x Case Fans
16x40x DVD w/ Software Decoders
16x12x40x CD/RW
SB Live! 5.1
Nvidia GeForce 2 MX-400
Netgear 10/100 NIC
300W PS
40Gb Maxtor HDD
Thing is, my cooler fans are'nt sissies either. one is a volcano 6. Plus my tower is open and i even used a room fan to blow air in there but it seems there was never anything to do.

And also, when you come to think about it, does winamp recquire soooooooo much juice that it can actually overheat a cpu?
I have some copper gaskets (approx 48mm x 48mm) which fit between the Athlon CPU and the heatsink. They have holes cut out to take account of the surface mount components and the rubber supports. A thin coating of heatsink compound and they are a nice snug fit. They appear to reduce temperature by upto 8 deg C. They were supplied by Master Enterprises (Tel: 0208 8307500 - U.K. number).

Hey, i have:
Asus A7A266 mobo
1.4ghz amd athlon
Volcano heatsink/fan
512mb ddr ram
ATI tv wonder
Geforce 2 pro
etc... etc....
My cpu temp idles around 61 Celcious, and when cpu intensive programs (number crucnhing stuff etc..) is running it soars as high as 65 celcius. I am thinking about a higher RPM fan, mine currentl;y is 5400rpm
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