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Am I being over pedantic?

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Sep 2, 2002
When in town yesterday I noticed a new cafe has opened up. Looks nice enough from a quick glance, but it's called "Gallary Cafe" - I can't go in there! I just can't!

"Your rock is eroding wrong." -Dogbert
If you Google "Gallary" you'll find that it's a bit of a disease. I particularly liked Chaos Gallary where, in addition to "Gallary" I also found
mapimg ---> mapping
disscrete ---> discrete
atractor ---> attractor
Several other sites have "Gallary" in the title but inside the site (for unknown reasons) it is spelled correctly.

The cafe may be OK ... provided that their sign painter isn't also the cook.
Oh, I did google, just in case I was missing something clever!
What worries me is not that the sign painter is the cook, but that they were probably hired by the same person, if you're not fussed what the sign painter puts on the sign, do you care what the cook puts in the food?

"Your rock is eroding wrong." -Dogbert
Would like to see the menu though
Grilled Stake
Chess Sandwich
Italian Paste
If it had been "correctly" spelled, would you have given it a second thought?

It could be a subtly clever ploy to make the name stand out from the crowd. It certainly caught your eye & you will probably not forget it any time soon.

Ah, but had it not annoyed me I'd have thought "Ooh, that's new. Looks nice." & gone for a closer look.

"Your rock is eroding wrong." -Dogbert
I think it's acceptable to drop accents when a word's adopted into English (I know there's plenty on here more knowledgable than me who can confirm or refute that). More to the point, I'm far to lazy to hit more than two keys to get a character!

"Your rock is eroding wrong." -Dogbert
Also, in England, R937.....90% of the people, especially the commoners actually pronounce it "'caf-e", rather than, as in French, "'caf'-ay".

There might be something behind the meaning of the name, when I was like 13/14, I used to work in a cafe café in Blackpool called

T h e I n n P l a i c e

Hope this Helps.

Neil J Cotton
njc Information Systems
Systems Consultant
There are two possible explanations.
[li] Illiteracy, which, in this case, seems the most likely. [/li]
[li] A cunning ruse. Let me explain. When I was in college near Coventry there was a farm shop which advertised 'Froot' beside the A45. For years I sneered at such ignorance until it was pointed out to me that I still remember it, thirty years later. It had the same effect as the 'Shake-n-Vac' add (sorry, non Brits, try 'Crazy Eddie' if you're from NY) where it was so bad it was totally memorable, and hence good advertising.[/li]

Ceci n'est pas une signature
Columb Healy
Columb, but would you ever buy "froot" from there?

Just cause you remember it, doesn't make it good advertising, just memorable.

Someone who's advertising failed them...SEGA, who took a Roles Royce approach that they are the biggest computer gaming console manufacturers, that they didn't need to advertise the sega saturn.

When they launched the MegaDrive, MegaCD and MasterSystems, they had massive advertising campaigns and held I think over 80% market sharing in gaming, totally wooping Nintendo, the opnly other real competitor. When the race between the Sega Saturn and the Sony Playstation war for the 32bit gaming systems of 1994 began, Sega had such a superiority complex of it being the
"The Worlds Gaming System of Choice"

even though, technically, being just as capable, if not more powerful than the initial Playstation, they decided not to market it, or properly prepare for the launch.

They assumed that they don't need to advertise much as everyone knows that Sega are the best.... but fell flat on their asses when they realised that not only was the Playstation on equal performance level as the Saturn, but they had also abandoned the consumer connection between games consoles and nerdy, lonely kids. Sony took a big step in making the PS appealing to not only kids, but teens and twenty-somethings. This included alot more mature games, such as the birth of the Tomb Raider and Resident Evils RPGs and the embracement of existing popular culture, including using world famous recording artists, notably the first being Wipeout that used pop/dance/trance songs heavily ladened in the pop world, including Chemical Brothers and Progidy to name but a few, in the game soundtracks, something Sony are still renouned for.

I think I'll stop there, I love talking about these specific case because it was a case study I worked on in high school business studies, and had a great interest. This virtually killed Sega hardware reputation and budget for home entertainment systems.

Anyone wanting to talk about this more, feel free to contact me for ranting/discussion :p.

BTW...I had a Sega Saturn....my brother went out and baught one on release date just for Seag Rally... still in my opion the best driving game around, with a choice of 3 cars and 4 tracks. The Toyota Celica, Lancia Delta HFI Turbo, and the Lancia Stratos.

I think my brothers love for this game was being probably one of very few people in the country to own a Lancia Delta HFI, let alone even heard of the name Lancia. He used it to his advantage when racing, as nobody knew it, knew what it was or what it could do. Just that it could smoke a Renault 5GTi, XR3i or any Cosworth fitted machine. :)

Hope this Helps.

Neil J Cotton
njc Information Systems
Systems Consultant
Is it possible that it's not a misspelling, but that "Gallary" is the owner, or other significant other person's name?

One should never under-estimate, nor over-estimate, the long-term effects of name or slogan recognition.

Good Luck
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As a circle of light increases so does the circumference of darkness around it. - Albert Einstein
Disagree with Neil's phonetics
Esp in the north of England it was/is pronounced Caff
This used to annoy my mother no end.

But in France they have a version of Tommy Coopers 'Bar' joke it goes :-

I walked into a Café, Sploosh.

Which implies that the word is the same establishment or drink. (or not)

Intrestingly Google spell checker wants to change Café back to Cafe.

Steve: Delphi a feersum engin indeed.
Steve, where in the north are you coming from? Caff tends to be, as far as I am aware, attributed to the south.

In the Flyde at least, it tends to be Caf-fee, rather than Caff, or café.

I always say café though...but thats just me trying to be pompous, or so I am told :p

Hope this Helps.

Neil J Cotton
njc Information Systems
Systems Consultant
Neil: Here in Yorkshire there are no words that end with 'e' another example is Broke which (even if it was a proper word) is pronounced Brok

struggling a bit but
Overtime pronounced Oovertarm,
Time - Tarm
Smile - Smarl

But this is a bit off topic so I suppose a new thread on dialect might be good.

Steve: Delphi a feersum engin indeed.

What are "MegaDrive, MegaCD and MasterSystems"? Being a young impressionable gamer I always thought I had a pretty good idea of what was out there but I've never heard of those...

And when you say 80% market share you're talking internationally, correct?
Lunatic....yes, i did mean international market share...

and you should have experienced these consoles if you have ever heard something along the lines of

"Holy Gaming console batman" and found it funny.

The Megadrive was the 16bit entertainment system from Sega, the MegaCD was an addaption for the MegaDrive which launched from a CD rather than a cartridge, and had much improved graphics due to the higher data capacity and a full speed pre processor.
It actually had exactly the same processor as the std MegaDrive, however the std (which was still needed as a host device) processor was clocked down to 7MHz, aposed tot he MegaCD pre-processor which was running at 12MHz, you litterally could see double the speed and fluidity on the screen.

In the US
Sega MegaDrive = Sega Genesis
Sega MegaCD = Sega CD
Sega 32X = Sega Genesis 32X (obviously a 32 bit processor)

However, all the sales stats are messed up in online reports because of the so many different version and incarnations.

Hope this Helps.

Neil J Cotton
njc Information Systems
Systems Consultant
On the Mega Drive, did you know Atari turned SEGA down when approched as the Games console was a dead market and people wanted home computers (granted they did rather well with the mighty Atari ST).


Only the truly stupid believe they know everything.
Stu.. 2004
Am I being overly pedantic to point out that your subject should be, "Am I being over[attn]ly[/attn] pedantic?"?

I read an article a few years ago that summarized a study wherein they found 'cutesy' misspellings of business names (e.g. E-Z *** or Tastee ***) did more harm than good for said business. I'll try to find the article online.

[tab][red]The plural of anecdote is not data[/red]

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