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Alternatives to Access

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Technical User
Jul 18, 2002
My company has decided that rather than pay licensing fees for access, they would like to use something else cheaper. They designated me as the access guy about a year ago and I had to learn on the fly with little previous knowledge. So basically they would like me to learn from scratch something else new but it's up to me to provide alternatives. Worst case scenario they cough up 7K or so for licensing. I think mySQL/VB or mySQL/PHP may be decent alternatives, as I am pretty solid with SQL and have a basic knowledge of VB. Anyone know if either of these options may be viable or if others exist?

mySQL wouldn't be very usable by end (non programmer) users for the usual ad hoc queries and reports that users often do, so I assume you'd be programming the front end for a number of mySQL databases.

If the main reason for wanting to move to another db system is cost, why not just get the developer's version of Access, write your front ends in Access, and deploy them to users for free? They won't be able to modify them or use them for ad hoc stuff like they could with a full version of Access, but your mySQL users wouldn't be able to do that either. Plus, development time in Access is better than any front end you'd be using for mySQL.

If you wanted to move for reasons of stability or performance (i.e., to get true client/server setup) then it might make sense to go to mySQL. But if what's mainly driving your decision is cost, then I'd recommend just deploying runtime versions of Access with front ends that you develop yourself. (And even if stability or performance reasons were part of the mix, you could still just program front ends to MSDE - a baby version of SQL Server -- in Access and deploy the runtimes.)

You just need the developer's toolkit for MSOffice, which I think is available for not more than $400. It allows you to freely distribute as many runtimes as you want. (No, the runtimes you deploy won't be as small as the files you'd deploy with a VB/mySQL solution, but it doesn't sound like size of apps being deployed is a big issue for you either.)

-- Herb
Just a quick note about MSDE - I think the recommended maximum number of concurrent users is 5.

I suggest to stay with ACCESS and just purchase the runtime version for the workstations that do not need to modify the application design.
This will cost your company between US$ 300 and US$ 800.

Be sure to have a look at the runtime-related articles in the ACCESS online Encyclopedia at .
With the amount of time you would need to re-learn what you already know in Access I agree with the developer edition and run time Neil Berryman
IT Trainer
Thanks a ton. I already have the runtime up and working. Anyone know an easy way to program in filtering and sort ascending/decending?
This may solve some of your sorting/filtering problems as well as many others:

run, don't walk, to the Janus website:
and download the demo of their GridEX2000 (in the 'old' - non .NET version of their website). This is an amazing ActiveX grid control (and much more, like printing and automatic Outlook style "card view") that works beautifully with Access. It will save you lots of time and let you deliver a more professional product.

I'm not affiliated with Janus in any way, just one of their many satisfied users.

Many ActiveX controls either don't work with Access or are a pain to use. The Janus is neither. Odds are you'll want to purchase it after using the demo. List price is $299 but you can find it for about $240 at various online component stores (like
I figured it out. Don't completely understand what I did but I have buttons for filtering and sorting now on my form.
Thanks for all the help.

If you don't want the GridEX2000 control, which I assume is a grid, and maybe you want forms that aren't grid-based...

To filter or sort the recordset of any form, you can either:
> Change its .RecordSource property, which would refresh the whole darn thing, or
> Change the .Filter and .OrderBy properties of the form and the .FilterOn and .OrderByOn properties of the form. These last two must be set through VB; the property sheet at design time does not display them. Check the help files for all four.

You can do it quickly and easily for any form (or report) this way, with your existing tool, Access. (My info comes from Access97.)

-- C Vigil =)
(Before becoming a member, I also signed on several posts as
"JustPassingThru" and "QuickieBoy" -- as in "Giving Quick Answers")
Don't know whether Marty has any interest in the Janus control or not.

It is of course basically a grid that has much other functionity, including automatic generation of "card forms" for each record in the grid.

But mostly what I wanted to say is that even if your main editing will take place on a single-record form, grids are very useful as "lookup" forms. You set it up so users just double click or click a button to bring up a complete form for a particular record in a grid. It's not much harder than building navigation and filtering aids into a flat form (using the grid as a "front" for a form may even be easier) and it's easier for users and looks more professional, IMO. Also makes it easier for users to see big picture and spot things like duplicates, typos, etc, in records that they might not otherwise notice.
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