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Alrighty then... what do you think?

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May 16, 2003
yeah, it's corny. but i need some critique... badly. What do you think of my webpage? I would really like some advice, suggestions, etc. What'll it be? THANKS!

well greelmo,
ur site seems a bit bland to me. why not use flash?

Known is handfull, Unknown is worldfull
"This site is best viewed with a
1024 x 768 screen resolution
useing Microsoft Internet Explorer"
Don't tell customers how to look at your work.

This does not look like a professional business website. especaily one to demonstraite your abilities. and a glimps at what customers my recieve as a product.

its a bit dark. i've found that my customers prefer more color.

Graphics are a bit basic, if you aren't good at graphics consider contracting a graphics person.

your bakground is dark, and some of your text is dark. section 508 standars (which apply to gov sites but is a good standard to follow) will help you to build a site for colorblind, blind, and other "special needs" individuals.

text is small, harder to see on smaller monitors, especialy viewing at the resolution you suggested.
That sounded a bit harsh, sorry. They are only suggestions and you can do what you please. :)

I did a site analysis for a business once, they paid me a good amount to tell them what was wrong with it, then said "Well, we really don't care." It still looks like hell, people are funny sometimes.
hey, harsh is good.
I can take it. lol. Thanks for giving me the suggestions. I'm considering making more graphics to fill up more space... you know... make it all spiffy and the like. Thanks again.

i'm of the "less is more" school...simple, easy to read and navigate sites impress me. don't go nuts with graphics and filling space up just for the sake of doing it.

try { succeed(); } catch(E) { tryAgain(); }
Dark backgrounds and bright graphics make poor partners.

I, personally, would be deign to hire a company whose OWN site was IE-Only... (ok, not ONLY, but recommended). I want cross-browser, standards-based long-range compatibility from my contractors.

Otherwise, the site itself is a bit brief, without much flair, but it's easy to navigate and straight-to-the-point.

The content seems reasonable, but there's work to do on the presentation.

... or not. It's your site, do it your way.
I agree with jemminger and Mr3Putt. too many graphics takes away from the content you want your customers to concentrate on, and colors (graphics and backgrounds) should compliment eachother, not contrast.

take tek-tips for example. dark blue table backgrounds ----> with white and lite blue alternating table rows. The original post is a darker blue. none of them are overbearing to the other, still filling the page with color and not being destracting.
Since you said you can take harsh.....
I don't like it.
Never liked black backgrounds.
Graphics are too simple and you could improve all your website with just CSS and a couple of graphics not overloading too much.

It took you three days to come up with the site.. interesting. As a future customer how does that sentence affect my willingness to do biz with you?.

It definetely needs more meat. (quality not just the filler).

If I read To make these websites, we use HTML, JavaScript, CSS, and PHP. and then I don't see a simple contact form I ask myself why are not using it if they say they know how to program?

e-mail us at our company website. Never trusted a company that has a free email. I develop websites for small non-profits and always try to find the cheapest host that gives me email accounts. It looks more pro and definetely people can identify better with your company.
There are places on the net that charge you less than $5 a month for some decent space and throw in a couple of emails. look around and try to find one of those.

On the Portfolio.. a couple of thumbnails would jazz up the page. I really don't want to open every link if I don't know what to expect when I do it.

Try to look for websites that you like, not only the ones that are competitors but other fields as well. Do a little research and see how other websites doing the same thing have designed their websites pick a couple you like and then set those as your initial step towards a site is worth to be in competition.

Hope this helps.
I'm not trying to be mean, just saying things the way I see them.
Be sure that if the site gets improvement comments will tell you if they are good or not.

grtfercho çB^]\..
"Imagination is more important than Knowledge" A. Einstein
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