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Aloha yearly fees

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Technical User
Nov 28, 2012
I just read the closed thread, thread693-1682364. I am also wondering if I am getting scammed as I just received an invoice for "ALOHA Membership maintenance fee". The strange thing is it expired 06/04, but just got notification on 06/25. I have a dial-up for EDC, so PCI is not an issue, I think. Any and all thoughts are greatly appreciated.
I, personally, have never had to pay a yearly fee for my system; I have had it for 7 years now. Did you sign up for a maintenance plan?
We had that for about two years and eventually cancelled. Not sure if we're talking about the same thing or not, but the "Maintenance Fee" for us was a 24/7 support plan (phone calls and remote dial in) that didn't even cover hardware.

That said, if your using Aloha CC and Gift, that may be the annual fee for Aloha to process your merchant account. (Of course, if you are, I would encourage you to shop around as I'm almost positive you can get a better rate.)
Gunderburger - despite using a modem to transmit CC data you STILL have PCI responsibilities to protect CC info.

MZ117 - it's my understanding that if you stop processing your CC's via Radiant you will begin to face other charges that were omitted because you were giving NCR the CC processing business. Isn't restaurant guard a monthly fee but no charge if you process CC's with Radiant. A better CC processing rate may come with other consequences.
TobeThor ---

We have multiple locations so I don't know if it was a multi site deal or not, but we use Mercury, and Mercury has a "direct driver" and doesn't need to use Aloha's server. Micros has something similar (one location) but Mercury got around that, too. I do know that Heartland said they could get around the fee, too. First Data said they only offer "Direct" drivers for 75+ locations.

So, I don't know the specifics, but I know we switched from Aloha for CC and Gift about two years ago and have not only been happier, but saved a ton in fees. And yes, the Aloha guys at the office found about 30 different ways our fees would go up (never did) and we still are PCI Compliant (Mercury covers the yearly fee and updates --- and our NCR system is up to date, too).

I don't really understand what you mean by "direct drivers"
I have been an Aloha user since 2003. We have used EDC with a string of processors and never paid anything more than the original 1 time fee to license EDC for our version of Aloha. We used Aloha Stored Value gift cards for a year and we did have to pay a monthly fee per store for that but we discontinued that in favor of verifone terminals for GiftCards. Our last payments to Aloha and our dealer were for a TS 5.3 to TS 6.5 (also including 6.7) upgrade 2 years ago. We got new key codes but kept our old dongles at that time. In the past I have used Worldpay, NABANCO, Heartland (visanet SSL platform) and First Data with no fees other than to the merchant account provider. I currently process using First Data with EDC and pay no fee of any kind to Aloha. EDC setup uses the Cardnet (CES) template on the North Platform (instead of Omaha, Nashville or South platform) Aloha EDC NEEDS the North (or the South I think) platform and then uses DataWire for TCP/IP communication.

Maybe there is some kind of new pricing structure I am not aware of. I guess I will find out when I can no longer do without 7.x+ but that will hopefully be a very long time because I plan on using every "compensating control" at my disposal to maintain PCI compliance without an Aloha upgrade.
We used "Aloha eCard" and "Aloha Credit" when we first switched to Aloha give/take 5-6 years ago. About two years ago, a Heartland Credit Card person approached us (many times) and tried to get us to switch to them. When we asked Aloha, they said if we used anything else, we had to pay a merchant fee to Aloha in order to use a third party gift solution that was around $400 a year (per location). When we asked the Heartland lady about it, she said they couldn't do anything about it. We started looking around because we were paying a percentage rate + interchange in addition to a per card swipe. Eventually we came across Mercury and FirstData, both of which told us they didn't have to use Aloha to process the merchant accounts or gift cards. (We chose Mercury.)

Fast forward about a year ago, we acquired one location from another individual who had Micros. Micros had a similar issue with something called "Merchant Link" which was $450 a year to process credit cards. Once again, Mercury was able to get around it with what they said was a "direct driver" while FirstData said they could only give that for 75+ locations, but they would take care of 1/2 of the fee, per location. In regards to software, we are part of the "Aloha Software Membership Program" and they give us the upgrades when they go "Gold." Micros upgraded us for free when we took over the new location in exchange for a service agreement for one year, which we agreed to since immediately one of the KDS' in the kitchen needed replacement.

So, I'm not sure how the fees/driver/merchantlink works (and maybe its something local to here) but ever since we switched to Mercury we never paid any of the "fees" for Aloha or Micros. I do know that the local Aloha guys are offering some very good deals right now to upgrade to new NCR equipment, but we haven't really looked into that at this time because our current equipment is working fine.

Hope that helps?! Happy Fourth of July!
The aloha maintenance yearly fee covers the license of the key for newer version as they come out. It's like paying an annual fee to have the ability to get the latest versions of aloha licensed to your key.
Hey Aloha Vendors!

How many updates should I have received since February 2011. I am currently on Ver 6.5.23 of Tableservice and Ver 6.5.22. I attended a conference sponsored by my Aloha vendor in May 2012. A pitch was given on Versions in the pipeline, but so far no word on updates.
I believe Aloha version 6.5 ended with 6.5.4 so that would be at least two upgrades unless 6.5.5 and beyond came out. I'm always concerned when someone offers us free software upgrades (in any application) but doesn't provide them; I can offer guests free food too as long as I never have to feed them. Contact your Dealer, there are likely some good enhancements and you should move up to latest version of 6.5.
You really wouldn't have gotten any updates physically. You're key would be licensed to the latest version out based on when you're aloha maintenance expires and what version is the latest at that time.

Aloha dealers will only update your software if you initiate and request it.
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