How many days I can run on redundancy as mu CPU is in the shop and is there a way i can clear files on the terminals to run it for a coup of months using 5.3 version, thx in advance
21 days is he max. How many terminals do you have. It is possible to install Aloha on a terminal and use it as the master/server (depending on several variables). What's wrong with your server, and why is it going to take so long? I can do it in a day.
Depending on the HASP software key type - USB or Parallel, if the FOH terminal has one it is possible to install the drivers for the HASP key on the FOH master terminal and have it run until the server is repaired and brought out of redundancy.
3 terminals and considering possible a new and simple system and need some time so i can get the DEC 2009 and start the new system in a slower period, what happens after 21days does it slows down and any other option available, r
Also, I think if you have an extremely small hard drive, you may run out of space if the dated directories are very large. somthing to consider as we had that problem years ago when we used old computers for terminals.
hello ....i am getting a msg on one of the terminals as system redundancy exceeded as i am running without a CPU there a way i can extend the days as my cpu is still in the stop
once the server/CPU is connected and i do file recovery and bring it back does is give me another 21days or i need to erase/clean files from one of the terminals and which one to clear the harddrive/memory ..thx in advance
Check which terminal is the master before you take it out of redundancy. This terminal is storing the dated subdirectories for the last 21 days. Do a file server recovery and the terminals should come back and float.
Browse to the master terminal and copy the dated subs to the aloha directory on the server. Each copied day should grind when copied to the server and if you get grind errors leave them until the copy process is over then close them later.
You now have 21 more days, take your server to your Aloha dealer and tell them you need it fixed ASAP.
Taking it to a computer geek will probably cost more in the long run (again, depending on your problem) to get someone to set it up right for runnung as an Aloha server.
hello ....i don't care about the data and if i leave it the way it is instead of grinding and copying as don't want to make an error and bringing the system down, will it still give me the 21days as just need time to change to a new system, can i locate the stored data and delete the files ....regards n appreciate as all you feedbacks = $
Yeah - coorsman is right about that. Iber simply needs to reconnect with ctlsvr to reset the # of days. You could do that if you setup your server to be one of the terminals, set server= that terminal on all the other terminals, make sure ctlsvr is registered, and put the key on it so ctlsvr works.
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