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Alerters based in variables

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Aug 25, 2002
I have a really basic problem which just seems impossible to solve in BO. Here goes...

I have a table within areport which has columns containing Client Name, Income, Cost and a cost income ratio. At the bottem I have a total.

I have defined the cost income ratio as the following formula.

Cost income ratio = -(Cost / Income)

My problem is that I would like an alerter to colour the cost revenue ratios (green for greater than, red for less than) depending on whether it is greater than or less than the total cost income ratio.

I have tried defining seperate variables for the individual client ratios and the total ratio but it does not work.

The whole problem is complicated as I have global filters also define.


Is your Total cost income ratio based upon a summary.

Sum(Cost)/Sum(Income) then you can then just compare the client ratios to a similar formula.

If your Total cost income ratio is derived using variables then you will have runtime problems, in that the total ratio will have not been calculated at the point when you want to display the client ratio.

Try postin technical information rather than descriptions:

Crystal version
Example data
Expected output

you say that you have "global filters also define".

Doyou mean that you want to highlight them base on data not contained within the report, or highlight based on the maximum total cost income ratio for the report?

Crystal can only work with what is in the report, so you need to have the total available in some fashion, but this is all guesswork until you flesh out your requirements.

I am using Business Objects 6.1.

Client Income Cost CostIncomeRatio
Coy A 100 50 50%
Coy B 200 40 20%
Coy C 300 30 10%
Total 600 120 20%

I initially create a single variable to calculate the CostIncomeRatio.

<CostIncomeRatio> = -<cost>/<income>

However I wanted to add an alerter to the individual client CostIncomeRatio to colour it either Green or Red depending on whether it was greater than or less than the total CostIncomeRation (e.g 20% in the above example).

I then tried creating another variable solely to calculate the Total costIncomeration. it was exactly the same as the <costIncomeRatio> but it did not work.

Ian, you are correct, essentially the total ratio would be calculated at the same time the alerter is trying to determine whether the individual <costIncomeratio> is greater / less than the total costIncomeratio.

I have a Global Filter on the report as I have several reports but for different regions (e.g US, Europe) and would like to use the same alerter on each report and change at will

Whilst Crystal Reports will have some of the same problems as BO 6.1, you really are on the wrong forum. As this is specifically Crystal Reports and not BO6.1.

I do not know anything about BO6.1 so can not help you.

There is a forum called Business Objects Solutions, you might have more luck there.

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