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AJAX not running on Load event

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May 23, 2005
I'm using .net framework 4.0. I have an asp.net site that uses a menu to call a JS function which fires an update panel to load the content area with text -- it works fine. But now the Context.RewritePath method doesn't fire in the Global.asax file.

If I put the page name after the domain name the page_load even doesn't fire and it goes to "The resource cannot be found." error page.

1) Is there any way that I can get the Rewrite method to run when I click on a menu item?

2) Also is there a way to load the default.aspx page and run the ajax method when I enter the URL and press enter? Example:

It worked fine before I implemented the AJAX functionality, but after that it won't post back. I'd like it load the Default.aspx page the first time but after that I would just run the ajax functionality and change the url in the address bar.

I guess I'm wanting my cake and eat it too.

I was really getting tired of my WP blog (written in PHP) taking 15 to 25 seconds to load a page and doing everything I could to get it to run faster. So I decided to write my own blog using AJAX and asp.net.

The post loads instantly with AJAX but I have a lot of bookmarks out there (2 years worth) saved to people's bookmarks bar and if they run click it to go back to my site they'll get a "The resource cannot be found" error.

Is there anyway to get my asp.net site to run the way I want it to?

Here's the code on my default.aspx page:
   <asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server" />
  <div style="display:none">
    <asp:Button ID="Button1" Text="Submit" OnClick="Button1_Click" runat="server"  />
    <asp:HiddenField ID="HiddenField1" runat="server"  />
  <asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" UpdateMode="Conditional" runat="server">
      <asp:AsyncPostBackTrigger ControlID="Button1" />
      <asp:Label ID="PostTitle" runat="server" Font-Size="Large"></asp:Label>
      <asp:LinkButton CssClass="showcomments" ID="lnkShowComments" runat="server">Show Comments</asp:LinkButton>
      <br />
      <asp:Label ID="Content" runat="server" Width="95%" 
      Font-Names="verdana" Font-Size="8pt" Font-Bold="false" ></asp:Label>

And here's the javascript function the fires it:

	function GetContent(t) {
		document.getElementById("HiddenField1").value = t;
		var button = document.getElementById("Button1");


You could come at this another way.
Look at trapping a 404 in your global.asax (Application_Error). Then just redirect them to the default page.


You've got questions and source code. We want both!
Oh? That? That's not an important password. - IT Security Admin (pw on whiteboard)
Thanks! That worked out perfect!
Now I'd like the rewrite method to run when I click a link that runs the javascript that triggers the updatepanel, so that the URL will change to the correct page name. But I would suppose that could only run on a postback... Is there any way I could do that?
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