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AIX Migration hangs at LED a69

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Technical User
Dec 4, 2002
I wanted to migrate a node from AIX 4.3.3 ML10
to AIX 5.1 ML03 and found two potential problems
with kerberos.
In the first case, get_keyfiles fails to transmit the
keyfile and the customization hangs at LED a69.
In the second case, the Kerberos keyfile is transmitted to
the node, but either a partial or a corrupted keyfile
is received on the node. In this situation, the node
completes customization successfully and it is not until
sometime later that the problem with the invalid Kerberos
keyfile is discovered.
The most interesting case is the first on for me.
Any idea.
Hi nord

It is not necessary to redo the install. The correct keyfiles
are already on the CWS. One can either re-customize the node
or copy the <node_name>-new-srvtab file from the CWS over to
the node (chmod 600).

Code has been added to the customization process to verify
that the Kerberos keyfile has been transmitted successfully.
is created on the Kerberos Server for nodes at PSSP 3.2
or higher.
During customization, a tftpfile of this new file is done.
Then after the srvtab had been transmitted over the s1term,
a cksum of the srvtab is done and verified against the
value in <nodename>-new-srvtab-checksum.
If the values match, customization continues. If not,
a message is logged and the srvtab is retransmitted, up to
5 times.

courtesy:neohapsis.com archives

IBM certified specialist-p-series AIX5L System Administration
A great laugh... someone answers a question about the SP, which they have no experience with, from information gathered from a search on google or somewhere.

Why would someone answer a question they don't have any qualifications in? Just so they can be the omnipotent tek-tips poster?

Really, if you have to find an answer doing a search, don't answer the question because you are just showing that you are unqualified in that area.
Hi spguru

You are not a guru...For name sake only! If u start humilating ..others can also humilate you..right???

I want to help nord...That's why I searched and find suitable answer.It doesn't mean that I have no experience.

I am administering two 5 sp frames and two control workstations.Also I have Kerberos in place...I have tremendous exp...I need want your certificate or appreciation...stayoff from The sacred forums...!You are not deserved as long as You keep on insulting the people.
If you posses such as a mean attitude and writing about your
trash or vulgar lang...then go to yahoo chats...rooms...enjoy!...you can find lot of such people...
RIGHT!...I don't want to waste time...by ny lengthy write up.Anyway I pity you my boy! Behave your self!!!

IBM certified specialist-p-series AIX5L System Administration
If you have two SP frames and Kerberos in place why do you have to search for an answer?

And I work on a 1600 cluster with a p670 and a H80 rack mounts and p650's attached. Along with 12 SP frames that are fully populated with a 9077 switch router for a Fortune 500 company for 4 years.

So go toot your horn elsewhere mister-i-know-it-all.
Hi Nord,

You could try removing krb-srvtab krb.conf krb.realms from /etc and ./klogin on the node. Set the node in the SDR to customize i.e. spbootins -r customize -l <node> then run
/usr/lpp/ssp/install/bin/pssp_script. Then re-boot your node.


I searched for better answer!I will honour other's answers aswell...I am not proud...okay....you may be working in big
sp environment....It doesn't matter that you have 100% knowledge on it...okay...why don't you give the better solution to nord...I don't have much experience...You have
more sp experinece...I agree!but why don't you provide better solution...EMPTY VESSELS MAKE MUCH NOISE...You know that idiomatic phrase in english!Don't prove it!
Honestly speaking ...I have just 2 yrs of exp in this area
but 7years of IT experience.But I have tremondous knowledge
...believe it or not...I gained it...and trnasfering knowledge and providing better solutions as much as I can.
I pay much attention to all technical forums...I am philonthropist by all means!...I need not want your certificate...okay....I have rewards and awards from the people who liked me...I don't want to waste my time any more..please don't reply to this...this is end!

IBM certified specialist-p-series AIX5L System Administration
Hi all,

first of all thanks for any kind of idea wether it is
from the web or from your own experience.

I do not want to know who is the best knowledge poster,
I just want to find a solution for my problem.

So thank you sushveer for your big efforts and special
thanks for gower because his workaround works very well.

In the meantime I found another workaround:

The process that hangs on the node is get_keyfiles
and if you kill this process, a sleep 30 process appears and after that a further get_keyfiles process will be

But if you kill the father process (pssp_script)
and after that the get_keyfiles I am able to start the
firstboot.cust script and everything works fine

But I am looking for a PTF or something like that
so that this problem will no longer happen. I have
opened an IBM call for this problem and I will keep
you informed.

PS: Spguru, you should be aware that today it is very
difficult to find helpful people.
Sushveer was polite and helpful and you complain
without knowing it better.
For the future, please answer only to questions
if you have something to tell about the problem.

Hi Nordseek...
Thank you very much for your reply!You got me...
I was bit upset and discouraged with spgur's attitude...
I am spending 2 hrs daily for different tech forums...I am using personal time eventhough...I am bz in my personal and professional works....
I used to work upto 12 midnight...to browse the forums and
answering them If I can...As you said ...If I don't know answer ..like several others ...I will search for it in th internet and loke to post it....That's important.
Spguru never recognised my integrity and honesty...
Im my post...I gave you the link frankly...Instead If I don't give link??!!sp guru will never hurt me by posting like that????
If spguru insults everyone like others some sensitive humans
like me will leave the forum forgood!...I too thought of quitting the forum forgood!...But I again I thought why should I care his(spguru) words and ignoring my valued professionals???!!!
Whoever badly comments....now onwards...I don't care...
I will continue to put my efforts in answering questions and sacrificing personal time...

I appreciate you once more for your matured ideas and thoughts!!! I welcome that ever and ever...

IBM certified specialist-p-series AIX5L System Administration
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