When I had a problem with ftp speed on an aix box, it turned out to be a network problem. But you should check the speed of your network card, first. Make sure it is set at 100 full duplex. I also had an IBM person tell me the AutoNegotiate was better, but I was never fully convinced of that.
Thanks. The card is at full duplex and is also on full duplex switch. Can't detect any network problems. FTP from other boxes seem fine. I am wondering if the FTP program on the AIX box is limited to a certain speed? May be far fetched.
I completely agree with you about staying away from the "Auto-Configuration" setting, that is best used as a last resort, unless using a GIG-E Card...
Couple of things to check:
1) Network options.
Ensure that the networks allow option rfc1323 (no -o rfc1323=1).
Also check for the values of thewall, tcp_sendspace, tcp_recvspace & tcp_mssdflt, you may need to change them.
What is the base hardware of the system? Note, MCA boxes have a limit of 262144 for thewall .
What is the oslevel?
How much memory do you have?
2) Try running a traceroute between source/target systems to show if the mtu is being renegotiated.
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