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After hours name directory direct to mailbox

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Mar 29, 2005
Ok I have a question. I have an install that wants their phones to go to voice mailboxes from a dial by name directory after hours. That would be no trouble except for one problem. They can not have anything answer their lines during the day so I can't use call forward no answer on any set with the lines ringing. The lines need to appear and ring on two phones.

I thought I could make the lines appear only and then assign them to a Hunt group. I thought I could make the hunt group ring on the phones in questions but I have now seen where Nortel says that the line programming on a set overrides any line assigned to a hunt group if the same set is a memeber.

So after all that here is my question is there a way to make the dial by name director go directly to a mail box instead of ringing the phone and being call forward no answer. Oh yeah it that wasn't enough issues to deal with the customer does not want to have a menu with names of employees listed as options so direct mailbox transfers through a CCR tree are also not an option. I have also considered ringing services but if my memory is correct a mailbox will forward no answer a call if the set is included in a ringing service so that is also not an option.

Thanks for any help you can give.

Transfer recall. If the caller is dialing in through the AA after hours anyway, lower the recall timer to a reasonable number of rings to accommodate the daytime answering, and the calls will follow it back to the vm dn, and the user's MB at night.

The callers will still hear that number of rings before the mailbox picks up, though.
In the table there is a prompt that turns off DN dialing for a specific time of day. No exension will ring, calls will go directly to VMailbox. The only problem is that you cannot get through to any phones through the AA.
Thank you for you help but I'm not sure I can use that. My customer said there can be no chance under any circumstance a call could go to voice mail during the day. With the transer return if they did not answer during the day, if I am following you correctly, could the call still not go to voice mail. I may have not explained all the customer requirements clearly.

Does anyone have any experiece trying the following. If I create a mailbox and do not assign an extension to it but under alternate mailbox enter the extension number I want to be notified .If I do that would the dial by name directory still allow a person to leave a message in the mailbox but not actually transfer the caller to the extension without call forward no answer to a mailbox.

Thanks for all the help,

The table is only active when the AA answers the lines. If it does not pick up during the day, then this will have no effect. How do you get the AA to answer at night? If you assign an ext to a mailbox, once you find the name, it will pass it along to the associated phone. It does not amtter if the mailbox and the extensions match or not.
The customer is going to go in to Feature 982 and change answer lines yes/no for day and night. I follow you on the extension assigned to a mailbox but what I need to know is if I can leave blank and not assing the mailbox to an extension but still use the alternate extension to display on the phone it has a message. I will be on site latter today to test but just wanted to get as many options as I could before I get on site.

Then it will have nothing to do with day hours. Only when turned on. Again the issue will be that NO ONE will be able to dial any extension when the AA answers. So if the Big Cheese is waiting to talk to his girl, she'll have to call on his cell phone or she will leave him a message and he will have to call her back. If they have a VMail Interrupt key on thier phones, then it will be lit when someone is in the mailbox and they can answer live that way.
If they need to be able to answer an incoming call at night, program an option for Park'n'Page and then it cn page all phones and anyone can dial the Park number and get the call. We use that feature at a local state agency for after hours and it works fine. You can even make that a "hidden" option so that oly the people they want to use it can.
I don't think that it will allow you to enter and ALt DN and no MWI ext. If you do not put in an ext., you must turn message notification off or you can not enter the mailbox (from the comp). If it won't give you the option for the Alt DN only, then try to build it from the telephone programming. It is much more forgiving. Please let me know how you make out.
One other thing. If the customer does the F982 option to turn it on, why not program a service mode to do the same thing. Then they only need to press 1 key. Naturally, it can only be done at one phone, but it makes it easier for the person doing it if they can.
Thanks again for your help. I may have to go in the direction you are suggesting. But I would still like to know from anyone if you can make a mailbox and not assign it to an extension (like a guest mailbox) but give it an alternate extension so that message would show up on the phone but the dial by name directory would not ring a phone only allow the caller to leave a message in the mailbox.
sorry did not see your reply before reposting last question.
Ok I have been able to test a few things remotely. You are correct that I can not enter an alternate extension without first assigning an extension to the mailbox. So with that information does any one know what will happen if I were to assign extension 500 (which doesn't exsist) to the mailbox and put 110 as the alternate DN. At night if I call and get the company directory and type the users name will it go directly to the mail box as there is no extension 500 to ring, or will it ring 110, or give some type of invlaid DN message, or something totally different. It will be no problem if it doesn't ring the phone at 110 or if the only thing a caller can do is leave a message. Like I said I will be on site this afternoon and can test everything just looking for as many possibilites as I can get.
Yes, you can assign a bogus ext for a mb. That's typically how we set up "guest" mailboxes. I'm not sure on setting the alt dn to the actual set. I've never run into that particular requirement.

Ok I'v been on site and tested. Rik is correct about the bogus extension. Also you can make an actual extension as an alternate for that mailbox. When a caller uses the dial by name directory the call goes directly to the mailbox without ringing the phone. The phone gives the new message notification. This allows them to get voice mail without being listed in the CCR tree and without having to have forward no answer on the phone. Not sure if I'll ever find a reason to use something like this again but just wanted to post an update incase anyone else comes across a situation like the one I had. Thanks for all the help.

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