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advanced search using ASP and Javascript

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Technical User
Apr 30, 2003
Can anyone advise on the script needed to do an advance search, ie giving the the user the choice of any word, all words, exact phase etc

All the ones I find use Vbscript with ASP, but I am using Ultradev and have my site to use javascript with asp.

The database is access 2000

Please advise, thanks.
you need a conditional module to check for the existence of certain search criteria and then build the SQL statement to run it based on that...


==>any word or any phrase:
WHERE strSearchCriteria LIKE '%strAny_Word_or_Phrase%'

==>exact word or phrase:
WHERE strSearchCriteria = 'strExact_Word_or_Phrase'

==>all words:
WHERE strSearchCriteria = 'strExact_Word_or_Phrase' OR strSearchCriteria = 'strExact_Word_or_Phrase'....etc.

Thanks for your replys

This is the vb / sql code which is generated - what I want is the equivlent in js


'VBScript version of Basic-UltraDev Dyamic Search SQL
'for Recordset1
Dim tfm_andor,tfm_exact
tfm_andor = &quot;AND&quot;
tfm_exact = &quot;false&quot;
'if any words option
'not implemented
'if exact phrase option
'not implemented
If Cstr(Request(&quot;search&quot;))<> &quot;&quot; Then
Dim tfm_SQLstr,tfm_searchField,tfm_databaseFields,bellChar
tfm_SQLstr = &quot; WHERE (&quot;
tfm_searchField = lcase(Request(&quot;search&quot;))
tfm_databaseFields = Split(&quot;Bands,Town&quot;,&quot;,&quot;)
bellChar = chr(7)
If InStr(tfm_searchField,chr(34)) Or tfm_exact = &quot;true&quot; Then
tfm_searchField = Replace(tfm_searchField,chr(34),&quot;&quot;)
tfm_andor = &quot;OR&quot;
ElseIf InStr(lcase(tfm_searchField),&quot; or &quot;) Then
tfm_searchField = Replace(tfm_searchField,&quot; or &quot;,bellChar)
tfm_andor = &quot;OR&quot;
ElseIf InStr(tfm_searchField,&quot;,&quot;) Or InStr(tfm_searchField,&quot; &quot;) Or InStr(lcase(tfm_searchField),&quot; and &quot;) Then
tfm_searchField = Replace(tfm_searchField,&quot; and &quot;,bellChar)
tfm_searchField = Replace(tfm_searchField,&quot;,&quot;,bellChar)
tfm_searchField = Replace(tfm_searchField,&quot; &quot;,bellChar)
End If
splitField = Split(tfm_searchField,bellChar)
For i = 0 to ubound(splitField)
For j = 0 to ubound(tfm_databaseFields)
tfm_SQLstr = tfm_SQLstr & &quot;(&quot; & tfm_databaseFields(j) & &quot; LIKE '%&quot; & Replace(splitField(i),&quot;'&quot;,&quot;''&quot;) & &quot;%')&quot;
If j < ubound(tfm_databaseFields) Then tfm_SQLstr = tfm_SQLstr & &quot; OR &quot;
If i < ubound(splitField) Then tfm_SQLstr = tfm_SQLstr & &quot;) &quot; & tfm_andor & &quot; (&quot;
tfm_SQLstr = tfm_SQLstr & &quot;)&quot;
tfm_SQLstr = &quot;&quot;
End If
set Recordset1 = Server.CreateObject(&quot;ADODB.Recordset&quot;)
Recordset1.ActiveConnection = MM_punkoiuk_STRING
Recordset1.Source = &quot;SELECT * FROM gigdates&quot; + tfm_SQLstr +&quot;&quot;
Recordset1.CursorType = 0
Recordset1.CursorLocation = 2
Recordset1.LockType = 3
Recordset1_numRows = 0
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Part and Inventory Search

