I am developing an App in Access 2003 and prior to this have always used DAO for the coding. (I know, get with the times etc )
I thought I would use this project to move to ADO but have come across a problem.
I was trying to do an ADO connection so I could use a transaction around a number of updates.
Set con_db = New ADODB.Connection
con_db.CursorLocation = adUseClient
con_db.Mode = adModeShareDenyNone
con_db.Open CurrentProject.Connection
The trouble is the Open returns me an error message "The database has been placed in a state by user 'Admin' on machine....."
The database has no password, no security setup in workgroups at the moment.
The database is set to shared.
If I just use a recordset;
Set rec_ard = New ADODB.Recordset
rec_ard.CursorLocation = adUseClient
rec_ard.Open "reservation_detail", CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic
It works fine, so why not the connection object for transaction control?
Sounds like an obvious lock but Admin account has full access, No DB password, set as shared etc etc
What little bit am I missing ?
Hope you can help.
I thought I would use this project to move to ADO but have come across a problem.
I was trying to do an ADO connection so I could use a transaction around a number of updates.
Set con_db = New ADODB.Connection
con_db.CursorLocation = adUseClient
con_db.Mode = adModeShareDenyNone
con_db.Open CurrentProject.Connection
The trouble is the Open returns me an error message "The database has been placed in a state by user 'Admin' on machine....."
The database has no password, no security setup in workgroups at the moment.
The database is set to shared.
If I just use a recordset;
Set rec_ard = New ADODB.Recordset
rec_ard.CursorLocation = adUseClient
rec_ard.Open "reservation_detail", CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic
It works fine, so why not the connection object for transaction control?
Sounds like an obvious lock but Admin account has full access, No DB password, set as shared etc etc
What little bit am I missing ?
Hope you can help.