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ADO with Access DB - Urgent

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Sep 6, 2001
I'm not certain what broke it, but I have some code for updating a database which no longer works. It's important that I get this working today, so any help would be greately appreciated. I'm using an Access 97 database with and ADO data control from VB 6. The SQL I use to populate the data control contains an inner join, in case it's important. I also played around with adding relationships and cascading updates to it a while ago, but decided against it and removed them. (May not be important, but you never know.)

Everything goes fine up until I do an UpdateBatch on the data control's recordset. At that point, I get the following unhelpful error message:

Run-time error '-2147467259 (80004005)':
Insufficient key column information fot updating or refreshing.

A quick search of MSDN turned up only one match on this particular message. However it had to do with joining tables where the primary key of one table matches a column in the other. However, my column names are all unique across tables, so that doesn't apply.
In case it helps, here's the code I use to populate the data control:
    SQL = "SELECT ak_site, kr_veh_dept, kr_tran_num, kr_veh_no, ak_employee_no, ak_empl_dept, empl_first_name, " & _
            "empl_last_name, kr_date, kr_time, kr_pr, kr_qty, kr_odom FROM tranfile INNER JOIN emplfile " & _
            "ON tranfile.ak_employee_no = emplfile.empl_number"

'...Irrelevant stuff omitted

    With TransDC
        .CursorLocation = adUseClient
        .LockType = adLockBatchOptimistic
        .CursorType = adOpenDynamic
        .ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Persist Security Info=False;Data Source=" & db_name & ";"
        .RecordSource = SQL
    End With
Has anybody ever seen this error before, or have any idea what could be causing it? I suspect it's something with the database itself, as I haven't done much to the code, but I have no idea what the problem is. Can someone please give me a hand?
If your code has been working Ok, I would look at the database.
Look for things that might have changed in the structure or at the data it's self. (Did someone enter something your program expect.) I would look at the key fields and the latest data in those fields.

Hope this helps.
Thanks a lot for the response. I have the problem half fixed now. I figured it out just as you posted.

Turns out it wasn't in the database. Half the reason I was so confused by the error message was that I didn't define keys in my database. I also don't remember changing the structure since the last time it was used and any changes my user has made simply couldn't cause this.

I use the same form, and thus the same code, for both adding records and updating them. Turns out I had forgotten about that and was attempting to update certain fields before I did my Recordset.AddNew. Since I'm using BatchUpdate, I would have thought that this would not be a problem, that it would just update the wrong record as well. However, when I changed the code to assign the values I calculated to variables and then do the AddNew and update all the fields in one place, it suddenly works.

But it only works when I'm adding records, not when I try to modify existing ones. If I do that, I still get the same error message. This makes no sense to me, as I'm using the exact same code for both. I have a flag which tells me if I'm adding a new record or not, but that only guards the .AddNew statement and doesn't appear anywhere else in the subroutine. Any ideas?
Is there a reason you are using an updatebatch rather than update as you don't indicate you are using disconnected recordsets?

If you are not using disconnected recordsets I would try Update. Also the MDAC 2.5 SDK says:

"You should use batch updating with either a keyset or static cursor only." I noticed you were using a dynamic recordset.

"If the attempt to transmit changes fails for any or all records because of a conflict with the underlying data (for example, a record has already been deleted by another user), the provider returns warnings to the Errors collection and a run-time error occurs. Use the Filter property (adFilterAffectedRecords) and the Status property to locate records with conflicts."

Good Luck!

Thanks for replying LW.

To answer your question, I can't exactly remember why I used UpdateBatch. I beleive my thinking was that I have a datagrid bound to the data control, and the user might want to edit several records from there before updating. I ended up not going that dircetion. At any rate, I tried changing cursor types and using Update, and it didn't help. I still got the same error message.

However, I did find that if I changed the SQL to eliminate the JOIN, then it seems to work. I was only using the JOIN to get a first and last name, neither of which I was changing, so it's not critical data. It was just easier and more intuitive to have it all in the same recordset.

Of course, I still haven't figured out why what I had isn't working, or what that stupid error message is supposed to mean. If anyone can figure it out, I'd love to know.
In case anyone was wondering, I've done a small rewrite and worked around the JOIN in the SQL. The program is working correctly now. I'd still like to know why it wasn't working before, though.
adaHacker, do not know if this is going to help, but came across a similar prob with an acccess database on update, the reason I was getting the error was that I was trying to update a table which had a autonumber as the first reference, and it was not to happy about getting flooded with records.
As i said do not know if this helps and do not know how you SQL is setup but thought i would mention it.

Zero Anarchy
Thanks for the suggestion. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to apply to me, as I'm not using any autonumber fields. My SQL was just a select with a simple inner join, and the only thing I did to it was add one field to the select. I can't think of any reason why that would cause a problem, but as I said, once I drop the join, it works. It's all very confusing.
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