I am writing to an access dbase. When I do the following everything seems to run fine with no run-time errors, but there is a large error because the database is never updated. Any help is appreciated.<br><br><% option explicit %><br><% <br> dim strSQL<br> dim cn<br> dim rs<br> dim strDbase<br> <br> set cn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection"<br> set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset"<br> strDbase = Server.MapPath("web.mdb"<br> cn.ConnectionString = "PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & strDBase & ";"<br> cn.open<br> strSQL = "select * from tblWeb " _<br> & "where login like '" & Request("txtID" _<br> & "' and password like '" & Request("txtPass" & "'" <br> <br> Sub DisplayPasswordForm(strWarning)<br>%><br><br><br><------------------HTML stuff--------------------><br><br>' The routine that checks the login attempt<br><br>Sub ValidateUser<br> rs.Open strSQL, cn, 0, 3<br> if not rs.EOF then<br> Session("LoggedIn" = "True"<br> dim counter<br> counter = rs("visits" + 1<br> rs("visits" = counter<br> rs("visited" = Date<br> rs.Update<br> rs.Close<br> cn.Close<br> Response.Redirect "you_made_it.asp"<br> Else<br> DisplayPasswordForm "Password or ID was incorrect!"<br> end if<br>end sub<br> <p>Wally Wojciechowski<br><a href=mailto:wwojo@wilsonpet.com>wwojo@wilsonpet.com</a><br><a href= > </a><br>