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ADO Recordset sort Problem.

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Jan 2, 2002
I create a ADODB.Recordset and add som fields to it
and then open it.
Set SortKeyRs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
With SortKeyRs
.CursorLocation = adUseClient
.Fields.Append "sortkey", adInteger, 6, adFldKeyColumn + adFldUpdatable
.Fields.Append "locality", adVarChar, 3, adFldKeyColumn + adFldUpdatable
.Fields.Append "headingcode", adVarChar, 7, adFldKeyColumn + adFldUpdatable
.Fields.Append "sortname", adVarChar, 400, adFldUpdatable
.Open , , adOpenStatic, adLockBatchOptimistic, adCmdUnknown
.Sort = "sortname ASC"
End With

This recordset is then populated with some data, all of the data has Swedish characters, every thing is fine and the data is sorted by the "Sortname" field, but the sort has sorted the strings faulty, it has been sorted in English order mixing Swedish special characters (Å,Ä,Ö) with (A,O) this happens even when i installed a swedish version of the MDAC2.7 components.

Hmm is there any way to get the "sort" property to work with other languages than English?
I dont want to use a database connection only the recordsets functionality.
Hmm im daft.
Make sure to have the Enterprise version installed and the regional settings correct in the control panel.
Hmm Have a nice day.
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