I am using ADO in MTS (NT 4 server sp 6a, sqlserver 7) . Do I need (because of transaction control) to use ObjectContext when creating ADO objects
(connection, recordset, command)?
I connect to sql7 using onActivate event with creating adoconnection object.
What do I have to set (in DTC?!) for transactions to work properly (using
setcomplete, setabort)?
I update data with ADOCommand object (Many calls to this object - different clauses). How do I know that all this updates are within one transaction? I want to commit or rollback transaction with call to SetComplete or SetAbort.
Does have ObjectContext any role when using ADO components?
(connection, recordset, command)?
I connect to sql7 using onActivate event with creating adoconnection object.
What do I have to set (in DTC?!) for transactions to work properly (using
setcomplete, setabort)?
I update data with ADOCommand object (Many calls to this object - different clauses). How do I know that all this updates are within one transaction? I want to commit or rollback transaction with call to SetComplete or SetAbort.
Does have ObjectContext any role when using ADO components?