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ADIC SDLC TLM setup problems

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Jan 29, 2003
I'm setting up a new NB6 system that's connected via SDLC to an ADIC S10k. There are six LTO2 drives connected directly to my master server via fibre channel (well, through a fibre switch, but not through the SDLC). My OS is RedHat Linux 4 ES.
I've finally managed to see the library (using a robot type of TLM), and drives and ran an inventory that pulled the media from the access ports and inserted the tapes into the library automatically. I can see the media but I can't do anything with it. If I set up a test policy, the backup will timeout with a 96 error (unable to allocate new media).

A couple of other things:
1, under 'media', the tapes all appear correctly, but there are no slot numbers next to them, they are all in slot 0.
2. If I try to label a tape I get a 98 error (error requesting media (tpreq)).
3. If I run:/usr/openv/volmgr/bin/tlmtest -r <SDLC server> -c Client1, from the command line I can get in to the tlm test utility and run things like 'version' and 'types' successfully, but commands like 'list' 'inventory' and 'drstat' return nothing.
4. I don't think is a firewall issue, at least not from the linux side because I've opened up a hole for all ports to/from the SDLC.

Anybody set one of these things up before?

Funny(?) note: There were four adic field engineers and two adic software engineers here to set this thing up... it took them all day.

What volume pool did the media go into after being added to the robot?
What do you have the drive type set to (HCART or HCART2)?
What is the media type (HCART or HCART2)?
I had the tapes go in to the Scratch pool, but I've played around with moving them to other pools as well.

The drives are HCART2, but for some reason the tapes come up as just HCART. Shouldn't they should come up as HCART2 since they're LTO2 tapes? I've also played around with manually adding tapes as HCART2 but it didn't help.

If I try to label or erase a tape, which shouldn't depend what pool it's in, I get the following error:

1/24/2007 12:05:03 - mounting A00000
01/24/2007 12:05:04 - Error bptm (pid=9366) error requesting media, TpErrno = Robot operation failed

I'm also still having trouble with the 'tlmtest' program as mentioned above. I think this is the key but I don't know how to troubleshoot it. I have an email in to my local adic engineer but nothing back yet.

The media type must match the drive type. A HCART2 drives will not mount HCART media, that I aware of. I would setup a barcode rule to define the tapes as HCART2. After you setup the barcode rule delete the media and re-inventory the robot. They should come back as HCART2 if the barcode rule is setup correctly.
I've got the media and drives all set to HCART2, but I had to into the fourth tab 'media type mappings' because setting a barcode rule didn't work. The media mapping originally had LTO set to 1/2" Cartridge Tape so I changed it so now it says 1/2" Cartridge Tape 2. That got the tapes to show up as HCART2, but I think it's because that is now the default for all LTO tapes. It should have worked with the barcode rule. The fact that it didn't makes me think that the SDLC is not working properly with NB. I have confirmed that it's not a firewall issue at least. SDLC doesn't run one and I've got a full privelege hole poked to SDLC on the NB server.

Still can't erase or label a tape though even with everything set to HCART2. :(

Still waiting for a response from adic.
Can you display the barcode rule and a media ID you use? I have about five barcode rules running since I use different media for different environments and different labels for different backup types at our site.

What errors do you receive when you attempt to label a tape now that the media is HCART2?

Just to verify:
1. NBU can update robot so the communication is there, correct?
2. The drives are all type HCART2 as well as the media. The media has been deleted and a re-inventory was ran.
3. The drives are all in a up state (I would assume otherwise you might be getting a 219).
4. The storage unit is setup as a HCART2.

It's Fixed!

I was poking around in the SDLC config and found a place where the drives were not bound to Client1. I modified one drive and was successful in labeling a tape. Whew, what a pain, now I can move on to the next crisis.

Cdpwin12, thanks for all of your time and effort,
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