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.AddNew is failing

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Sep 25, 2001
I've an ASP beginner and I am having trouble handling recordsets.

Here's a generic sample of my code:

DBConnect = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & strDBPath & ";"
Set cnnSimple = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
cnnSimple.Open DBConnect

Set objRecordset = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
objRecordset.Source           = "User_Info"
objRecordset.ActiveConnection = DBConnect
objRecordset.CursorType       = adOpenKeyset

objRecordset.Fields("FirstName") = fvar
objRecordset.Fields("LastName") = lvar
objRecordset.Fields("EMailAddress") = evar
objRecordset.Fields("UserName") = uvar
objRecordset.Fields("Password") = pvar

Set objRecordset = Nothing

This is the error that I receive:

ADODB.Recordset (0x800A0CB3)
Object or provider is not capable of performing requested operation.

What is wrong?
Try displaying the CursorType after the Open or
If not objRs1.Supports(adAddNew) then
End if
Use the CursorType property to specify the type of cursor that should be used when opening the Recordset object.

Only a setting of adOpenStatic is supported if the CursorLocation property is set to adUseClient. If an unsupported value is set, then no error will result; the closest supported CursorType will be used instead.

If a provider does not support the requested cursor type, it may return another cursor type. The CursorType property will change to match the actual cursor type in use when the Recordset object is open. To verify specific functionality of the returned cursor, use the Supports method. After you close the Recordset, the CursorType property reverts to its original setting." Compare Code (Text)
Generate Sort in VB or VBScript
Does the error message give a line number where the error occurred?

Have you included the ADOvbs file?
<!-- #include file=&quot;ADOvbs.inc&quot; -->

or assigned a value to adOpenKeyset
Dim adOpenKeyset
adOpenKeyset = 1
Thanks for the help. I tried the &quot;If&quot; statement first. Supports.AddNew returns true. So then I tried displaying the cursor type.

To display the cursor type I used:


The output is 0. What does that mean?
Thanks. I just included the file (The file name was spelled wrong before). Now, Supports(adAddNew) returns false. Where do I go from here?
Furst of all, it looks like you do not have Option Explicit specified so that mispelled variables will give an error. Put one in there.
<%@ LANGUAGE=VBScript EnableSessionState=False %>
<% Option Explicit %>
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Generate Sort in VB or VBScript
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