I am VERY new at this, but am trying to do something as simple as adding the values of two text boxes but instead of adding it smushes the numbers together (concantanation) so if txtMatTotal.text is 12 and txtPadPriceTotal.text is 10, txtTax.text ends up being 1210 instead of 22. If i substitute subtraction or multiplication or division, it works. The first two lines work beautifully. Please help. This answer is probably so easy, but I just can't seem to get it. Thank you.
Private Sub Command1_Click()
txtPadPriceTotal.Text = txtPadPriceSF.Text * txtSF.Text
txtMatTot.Text = txtPriceSF.Text * txtSF.Text
txtTax.Text = (txtMatTot.Text) + (txtPadPriceTotal.Text)
End Sub
Private Sub Command1_Click()
txtPadPriceTotal.Text = txtPadPriceSF.Text * txtSF.Text
txtMatTot.Text = txtPriceSF.Text * txtSF.Text
txtTax.Text = (txtMatTot.Text) + (txtPadPriceTotal.Text)
End Sub