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Adding row of buttons or restricting window size of a custom msgbox 2

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Nov 21, 2011
Hi all, I had downloaded some code examples of custom msgbox's that run when saved with a vbs extension. It seems no matter what I have tried I can't seem to get a second row of buttons for the messagebox, I can add 100 buttons and it will still just stretch the width of the window more and more and be on one line. Was wondering if anybody knew a solution to either make the buttons create themselves on a separate row or if restricting the width of the window would make it so they would be pushed down a row? Here is the code, any input is appreciated.

'--simple demo of basic msgbox.

 '-- Properties:  
        '-  Title - window title.
        '-  Caption - message in window.
        '-  Icon - icon file for window. JPG, GIF, BMP up to 60 px.
        '-  IconWidth - pixel size of icon.
        '-  Font (def. MS Sans Serif)
        '-  ListSize - sets number of items showing in list. default is a 1-row dropdown selector.
        '-  ListText - After ShowMsg returns, this will hold the text of selected list item if there was one.
        '-  ListData - After ShowMsg returns, this will hold the hidden data that was stored with selected list item.
        '-  ListIndex - returns index of selected item.
        '-  Text - After ShowMsg returns, this returns any text entered into textbox.
        '- Password - text entered into password textbox.
 '-- Subs:          
'-  AddButton(caption)    
'-  AddList(item, hidden data)    
'- AddTextBox(columns) 
'-- AddPasswordInput()
'-  Clear

 '-- Function:     
'-  Number = ShowMsg  - returns number of button clicked.

'--- demo: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dim Box, Ret, Pt1, sPar, sPath

Set Box = New Msg

Box.Init  '-- initialize to deal with IE8 bug.

sPath = WScript.ScriptFullName  '-- get path of this script to get icon path.
Pt1 = InStrRev(sPath, "\")
  If Pt1 > 0 Then sPar = Left(sPath, Pt1)

With Box
   .Title = "simple sample"
   If Len(sPar) > 0 Then .Icon = sPar & "landscape.gif"
   .IconWidth = 48
   .Caption = "This is the simple sample caption."

   'Box.AddList "Choice one", "hidden data"

End With   

Ret = Box.ShowMsg()
MsgBox "Button clicked: " & Ret

Set Box = Nothing

'-- ========================= Class Msg - custom message Box Class - UPDATED 11/2012 ========================
Class Msg
Private SHCls
Private BackColor, TextColor, ButtonTextColor, Q2C
Private sTitleC, sCaptionC, sIconC, IcoWidth, sFontC, sLB, sID
Private BooListC, CHR1, sListC, sDataC, ListRetC, ListDatC, ListiC, LSize '-- list box variables.
Private BooTextBoxC, BooPasswordC, sTextC, TextColumns, sPasswordC
Private AButs(), iButs

Public Sub Init()  '-- This sub is a brief version of the main ShowMsg function. It's only here to initialize.
                          '-- See help for explanation. This deals with a bug in IE8. For explanation of how the code works see comments in ShowMsg function.
  Dim Cls_IE, Cls_HTA, Cls_SHAp, Cls_iCount
    On Error Resume Next
  sID = "ID1"
  Set Cls_SHAp = CreateObject("Shell.Application")    
  SHCls.Run "MSHTA.EXE ""javascript:new ActiveXObject('InternetExplorer.Application').PutProperty('" & sID & "', window);""", 0, False  
      Cls_iCount = 1
          Do Until Cls_iCount = 10
             For Each Cls_IE In Cls_SHAp.Windows
                If IsObject(Cls_IE.GetProperty(sID)) Then
                    Set Cls_HTA = Cls_IE.GetProperty(sID)
                    Cls_HTA.moveTo 2900, 2900
                   Exit For
                End If   
                WScript.sleep 100
                Cls_iCount = Cls_iCount + 1
                If IsObject(Cls_HTA) = True Then Exit Do
      Set Cls_SHAp = Nothing
      If IsObject(Cls_HTA) Then Cls_HTA.close
      Set Cls_HTA = Nothing
      Set Cls_IE = Nothing
End Sub

Public Function ShowMsg()
  Dim s1C, i2C, Ret, Cls_IE, Cls_HTA, Cls_SHAp, sSpc, Cls_iCount
  Dim APage(13)
    On Error Resume Next
      ShowMessage = -1  '--failed to work.
'-- New version that uses an HTA to work on Vista/7/8.
 sID = "ID" & CStr(minute(Now)) & CStr(Second(Now))
 Set Cls_SHAp = CreateObject("Shell.Application")  '-- different things were tried to prevent a full-size IE window from flashing by before msgbox
                                                    ' window. Oddly, this seems to help: Just creating Shell.App before creating the IE window. Apparently the time
                                                    ' required to initialize Shell.App is much greater than the time required to write the IE doc and size/position the IE window.
   SHCls.Run "MSHTA.EXE ""javascript:new ActiveXObject('InternetExplorer.Application').PutProperty('" & sID & "', window);""", 0, False 

     '-- Next step: go through open windows and retrieve the window object for just-created HTA.   
      Cls_iCount = 1
          Do Until Cls_iCount = 10
             For Each Cls_IE In Cls_SHAp.Windows
                If IsObject(Cls_IE.GetProperty(sID)) Then
                    Set Cls_HTA = Cls_IE.GetProperty(sID)
                    Cls_HTA.moveTo 2900, 2900 '-- second part of method to stop IE window flashing by. Move window offscreen before doing anything else.
                    Exit For
                End If   
                WScript.sleep 100
                Cls_iCount = Cls_iCount + 1
                If IsObject(Cls_HTA) = True Then Exit Do
      Set Cls_SHAp = Nothing '-- done with Shell.Application. 
        If Not IsObject(Cls_HTA) Then Exit Function  
sSpc = "<TD> &#160; &#160; </TD>" 
   APage(0) = "<HTML><HEAD><HTA:Application scroll=no contextmenu=no border=thin minimizebutton=no maximizebutton=no sysmenu=no></HTA>"
   APage(1) = vbCrLf & "<STYLE TYPE=" & Q2C & "text/css" & Q2C & ">" & vbCrLf
   APage(2) = "BODY {padding: 4px; font-family: " & sFontC & "; border-style: outset; border-Width: 1px;}" & vbCrLf & "LABEL {font-size: 12px; color: " & TextColor & "; background: " & BackColor & ";}" & vbCrLf
   APage(3) = "#TDBut {padding: 4px 10px 4px 10px; color: " & ButtonTextColor & "; background: " & BackColor & "; border-style: solid; border-width: 2px; border-color: #FFFFFF #666666 #666666 #FFFFFF; font-size: 12px;}" & vbCrLf
   APage(4) = "#TCap {font-size: 12px; color: " & TextColor & "; background: " & BackColor & ";}" & vbCrLf & "#ButBox {padding-bottom: 30px;}" & vbCrLf & "#TBox {font-size: 12px;}" & vbCrLf
   APage(5) = "#PBox {font-size: 12px;}" & vbCrLf & "#IM {padding: 15px;}" & vbCrLf & "</STYLE>" & vbCrLf & "</HEAD>" & vbCrLf
   APage(6) = "<BODY BGCOLOR=" & Q2C & BackColor & Q2C & " SCROLL=" & Q2C & "no" & Q2C & ">"
     If (Len(sIconC) > 0) And (IcoWidth > 0) Then
        APage(7) = "<IMG ID=" & Q2C & "IM" & Q2C & " SRC=" & Q2C & sIconC & Q2C & " ALIGN=" & Q2C & "left" & Q2C & ">"
        APage(7) = ""
     End If
   APage(8) = "<TABLE Width=100% ID=" & Q2C & "TCap" & Q2C & "><TR><TD>" & sCaptionC & "</TD></TR></TABLE><BR>"   
       s1C = ""  
     For i2C = 0 to iButs
       If AButs(i2C) <> "" Then
	   'MSGBOX i2c
           If i2C > 0 Then  s1C = s1C & sSpc  '-- add spaces between buttons.
         s1C = s1C & "<TD ALIGN=" & Q2C & "center" & Q2C & " ID=" & Q2C & "TDBut" & Q2C    
         s1C = s1C & " onmousedown=" & Chr(39) & "vbscript:window.event.srcElement.style.borderColor = " & Q2C & "#666666 #FFFFFF #FFFFFF #666666" & Q2C & Chr(39) & " onclick=" & Chr(39) & "vbscript:T1.Value = " & Q2C & CStr(i2C + 1) & Q2C & Chr(39) & ">"
         s1C = s1C & "<LABEL onmousedown=" & Chr(39) & "vbscript:window.event.srcElement.parentElement.style.borderColor = " & Q2C & "#666666 #FFFFFF #FFFFFF #666666" & Q2C & Chr(39) & " onclick=" & Chr(39) & "vbscript:T1.Value = " & Q2C & CStr(i2C + 1) & Q2C & Chr(39) & ">" & AButs(i2C) &  "</LABEL></TD>"  '-- LABEL needed to prevent i-beam cursor over TD.
       End If
   APage(9) = "<TEXTAREA ID=" & Q2C & "T1" & Q2C & " STYLE=" & Q2C & "display: none;" & Q2C & "></TEXTAREA>"
  If (BooTextBoxC = False) Then
      APage(10) = ""
     APage(10) = "<DIV ALIGN=" & Q2C & "center" & Q2C & "><INPUT TYPE=" & Q2C & "text" & Q2C & " ID=" & Q2C & "TBox" & Q2C & " SIZE=" & TextColumns & "></DIV><BR>"
  End If
  If (BooPasswordC = False) Then
      APage(11) = ""
     APage(11) = "<DIV ALIGN=" & Q2C & "center" & Q2C & "><INPUT TYPE=" & Q2C & "password" & Q2C & " ID=" & Q2C & "PBox" & Q2C & " SIZE=20></DIV><BR>"
  End If

  If (BooListC = False) Then
     APage(12) = ""
      sLB = "<DIV ALIGN=" & Q2C & "center" & Q2C & "><SELECT ID=" & Q2C & "List" & Q2C
         If (LSize > 1) Then sLB = sLB & " SIZE=" & CStr(LSize)
      sLB = sLB & "></SELECT></DIV><BR>"
      APage(12) = sLB
   End If
   APage(13) = "<TABLE ID=" & Q2C & "ButBox" & Q2C & " ALIGN=" & Q2C & "center" & Q2C & "><TR><TD><TABLE><TR>" & s1C & "</TR></TABLE></TD></TR></TABLE></BODY></HTML>"
   s1C = Join(APage, "")
   Cls_HTA.document.write s1C
Dim WidBox, HtBox, CapOffset
  With Cls_HTA
       .document.title = sTitleC       
         If (BooListC = True) And (len(sListC) > 0) Then 
               .document.all("List").style.fontfamily = "arial"
               .document.all("List").style.fontsize = 12
            Dim AList, ADat, i3, Opt
               sListC = Left(sListC, (len(sListC) - 1))
               sDataC = Left(sDataC, (len(sDataC) - 1))
               AList = Split(sListC, CHR1)
               ADat = Split(sDataC, CHR1)
                For i3 = 0 to UBound(AList)
                    Set Opt = .document.createElement("OPTION")
                        If AList(i3) = "-" Then
                            Opt.text = ""
                            Opt.text = AList(i3)
                        End If    
                       Opt.value = ADat(i3) 
                       .document.all("List").Add Opt
                    Set Opt = Nothing   
         End If   
         If (BooTextBoxC = True) Then       
            .document.all("TBox").style.fontfamily = "verdana"
            .document.all("TBox").style.fontsize = 12
         End If
          If (BooPasswordC = True) Then       
            .document.all("PBox").style.fontfamily = "verdana"
            .document.all("PBox").style.fontsize = 12
         End If
           WidBox = 150 + (60 * iButs)
       If (.document.all("ButBox").offsetWidth + 20) > WidBox Then
           WidBox = .document.all("ButBox").offsetWidth + 20
       End If   
       If (BooTextBoxC = True) Then    
            If (.document.all("TBox").offsetWidth + 20) > WidBox Then
                WidBox = .document.all("TBox").offsetWidth + 20
           End If   
        End If
        CapOffset = 40
         If (Len(sIconC) > 0) Then CapOffset = IcoWidth + 40
       .document.all("TCap").Style.pixelWidth = WidBox - CapOffset
        HtBox = .document.all("ButBox").offsetTop + .document.all("ButBox").offsetHeight
        .document.body.Style.pixelWidth = WidBox
        .document.body.Style.pixelHeight = HtBox
        .resizeTo WidBox + 12 , HtBox + 500
        .moveTo (.document.parentWindow.screen.Width - WidBox) \ 2, (.document.parentWindow.screen.Height - HtBox) \ 4
    End With
    '.document.parentWindow.screen.Width = 2
  Dim sVal, iSel
        sVal = Cls_HTA.document.all("T1").Value 
         If Len(sVal) > 0 Then   
            With Cls_HTA.document.all("List")  
                 If (BooListC = True) Then   
                      iSel = .selectedindex   
                      ListRetC = .Options(iSel).text
                      ListDatC = .Options(iSel).value
                      ListiC = iSel
                 End If    
              End With   
                If (BooTextBoxC = True) Then
                   sTextC = Cls_HTA.document.all("TBox").value
                End If   
                If (BooPasswordC = True) Then
                   sPasswordC = Cls_HTA.document.all("PBox").value
                End If   
            Set Cls_HTA = Nothing
            Set Cls_IE = Nothing
            ShowMsg = CInt(sVal)
            Exit Function
         End If
           WScript.sleep 100
End Function

Public Property Let Title(sTitleText)
  sTitleC = sTitleText
End Property
Public Property Let Caption(sCaptionText)
  sCaptionC = sCaptionText
End Property
Public Property Let Font(sFontName)
  sFontC = sFontName
End Property
Public Property Let Icon(sIconPath)
  sIconC = sIconPath
End Property
Public Property Let IconWidth(Width)
     IcoWidth = Width 
End Property
Public Property Let ListSize(NumItems)
  LSize = NumItems
End Property
Public Sub AddList(Item, Data) '-- add item to selection box. sItem is text. 
    If Len(Data) = 0 Then Data = "-"
    If (Len(Item) = 0) Then Item = "-"
        sListC = sListC & Item & CHR1
        sDataC = sDataC & Data & CHR1
        BooListC = True
End Sub
Public Sub AddButton(sCaptionC)
  AButs(iButs) = sCaptionC
  iButs = iButs + 1
  ReDim Preserve AButs(iButs)
End Sub
Public Property Get ListText()
   If (ListRetC = "-") Then ListRetC = ""
   ListText = ListRetC
End Property
Public Property Get ListData()
    If (ListDatC = "-") Then ListDatC = ""
    ListData = ListDatC
End Property
Public Property Get ListIndex()
    ListIndex = ListiC
End Property
Public Property Get Password()
 Password = sPasswordC
End Property
Public Sub AddTextBox(Columns)
  BooTextBoxC = True
    If isNumeric(Columns) Then
        TextColumns = Columns
        TextColumns = 24
    End If    
End Sub
Public Sub AddPasswordInput()
  BooPasswordC = True
End Sub

Public Property Get Text()
  Text = sTextC
End Property
Public Sub Clear()
    On Error Resume Next
  Dim i2C
  sTitleC = ""
  sCaptionC = ""
  sIconC = ""
  sListC = ""     '-- list of select element list box items.
  sDataC = ""    '-- list of hidden data.
  ListRetC = ""  '-- stored selection text. Clear before each call.
  ListDatC = ""   '-- stored selection hidden data.
  ListiC = 0       '-- index of dropdown selection.
  sTextC = ""      '-- textbox variable.
  sPasswordC = "" '-- password entered into password input.
  IcoWidth = 0
  LSize = 1
  sFontC = "MS Sans Serif"
  ReDim AButs(0)
  iButs = 0
  BooListC = False
  BooTextBoxC = False
  BooPasswordC = False
End Sub

 Private Sub Class_Initialize()
    On Error Resume Next
      Q2C = Chr(34)
      CHR1 = chr(149)
      Set SHCls = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
      BackColor = GetColor("ButtonFace") '--also use this for background color.
         If Len(BackColor) = 0 Then BackColor = "#DDDDDD"
      ButtonTextColor = GetColor("ButtonText") 
         If Len(ButtonTextColor) = 0 Then ButtonTextColor = "#000000"
      TextColor = GetColor("WindowText")
        If Len(TextColor) = 0 Then TextColor = "#000000"
  End Sub
  Private Sub Class_Terminate()
    On Error Resume Next
        Set SHCls = Nothing
  End Sub

 Private Function GetColor(sColName)
   Dim sRegCol, sColCls, AColCls
    On Error Resume Next
    GetColor = ""
   sRegCol = "HKCU\Control Panel\Colors\" & sColName
   sColCls = SHCls.RegRead(sRegCol)
        If (Err.number <> 0) Then Exit Function
   AColCls = Split(sColCls, " ")
      If UBound(AColCls) = 2 Then
         GetColor = "#" & Right(("00" & Hex(AColCls(0))), 2) & Right(("00" & Hex(AColCls(1))), 2) & Right(("00" & Hex(AColCls(2))), 2) 
      End If
 End Function

End Class
Why not simply deal with a HTA ?

Hope This Helps, PH.

Unfortunately I had just learned that HTA existed, I really have no idea how to deal with it or even work with it, I even thought this was tied in with HTA but I am pretty clueless on that aspect of coding sadly. I was just hoping there was a tiny part within this code that could be adjusted.
Just an observation.... This code here:
     For i2C = 0 to iButs
       If AButs(i2C) <> "" Then
	   'MSGBOX i2c
           If i2C > 0 Then  s1C = s1C & sSpc  '-- add spaces between buttons.
         s1C = s1C & "<TD ALIGN=" & Q2C & "center" & Q2C & " ID=" & Q2C & "TDBut" & Q2C    
         s1C = s1C & " onmousedown=" & Chr(39) & "vbscript:window.event.srcElement.style.borderColor = " & Q2C & "#666666 #FFFFFF #FFFFFF #666666" & Q2C & Chr(39) & " onclick=" & Chr(39) & "vbscript:T1.Value = " & Q2C & CStr(i2C + 1) & Q2C & Chr(39) & ">"
         s1C = s1C & "<LABEL onmousedown=" & Chr(39) & "vbscript:window.event.srcElement.parentElement.style.borderColor = " & Q2C & "#666666 #FFFFFF #FFFFFF #666666" & Q2C & Chr(39) & " onclick=" & Chr(39) & "vbscript:T1.Value = " & Q2C & CStr(i2C + 1) & Q2C & Chr(39) & ">" & AButs(i2C) &  "</LABEL></TD>"  '-- LABEL needed to prevent i-beam cursor over TD.
       End If
... is where the buttons are being displayed. Looks like each button is going inside a cell (<TD>) in the same row. Maybe you can change the HTML generated so it forces a new row (<TR>) at some point? Or don't put the buttons inside table cells at all...
Hey guitarzan,

thanks for the reply, I tried messing around with that bit as well and also noticed that
sSpc = "<TD> &#160; &#160; </TD>" was the logic providing the spaces, guess the #160 didn't show up in the paste above but I wasn't able to figure out if perhaps a different value would be a newline value or not. I tried taking out that entire piece of code which ultimately removes all the buttons so it seems that might be the area to edit to try and accomplish this but I'm not exactly sure what to tweak :(
I guess the code is using an HTML table to simulate buttons. You would have to know some HTML to modify it the way you want. All I can offer is, the line below should allow you to limit the buttons to "x" per row (3 in my sample)

For i2C = 0 to iButs
       If AButs(i2C) <> "" Then
	   'MSGBOX i2c
           If i2C > 0 Then  s1C = s1C & sSpc  '-- add spaces between buttons.
           [highlight #FCE94F]If i2C Mod 3 = 0 Then s1c = s1c & "<tr>"[/highlight]

         s1C = s1C & "<TD ALIGN=" & Q2C & "center" & Q2C & " ID=" & Q2C & "TDBut" & Q2C    
         s1C = s1C & " onmousedown=" & Chr(39) & "vbscript:window.event.srcElement.style.borderColor = " & Q2C & "#666666 #FFFFFF #FFFFFF #666666" & Q2C & Chr(39) & " onclick=" & Chr(39) & "vbscript:T1.Value = " & Q2C & CStr(i2C + 1) & Q2C & Chr(39) & ">"
         s1C = s1C & "<LABEL onmousedown=" & Chr(39) & "vbscript:window.event.srcElement.parentElement.style.borderColor = " & Q2C & "#666666 #FFFFFF #FFFFFF #666666" & Q2C & Chr(39) & " onclick=" & Chr(39) & "vbscript:T1.Value = " & Q2C & CStr(i2C + 1) & Q2C & Chr(39) & ">" & AButs(i2C) &  "</LABEL></TD>"  '-- LABEL needed to prevent i-beam cursor over TD.
       End If
Worked like a charm! Hopefully the rest of the modifications I need to do I'll be able to figure out on my own. Thanks so much guitarzan, you're a life saver!
You wouldn't happen to know how to easily assign a different font to specific buttons would ya? I am able to adjust it so it applies it to the whole msgbox but would rather separate it with specific buttons if at all possible. If anybody knows that would be worth a star for sure! Thanks!
Quick and dirty:

[highlight #FCE94F]Dim sCellStyle[/highlight]
For i2C = 0 to iButs
       [highlight #FCE94F]Select Case AButs(i2C)[/highlight]
          [highlight #FCE94F]Case "Yes": sCellStyle = " style='font: bold 18pt Arial; color: red;' "[/highlight]
          [highlight #FCE94F]Case "Cancel": sCellStyle = " style='font: 12pt Courier New; background-color: yellow;' "[/highlight]
         [highlight #FCE94F] Case Else: sCellStyle = ""[/highlight]
       [highlight #FCE94F]End Select[/highlight]
       If AButs(i2C) <> "" Then
	   'MSGBOX i2c
           If i2C > 0 Then  s1C = s1C & sSpc  '-- add spaces between buttons.
           If i2C Mod 3 = 0 Then s1c = s1c & "<tr>"

         s1C = s1C & "<TD ALIGN=" & Q2C & "center" & Q2C & " ID=" & Q2C & "TDBut" & Q2C    
         s1C = s1C & " onmousedown=" & Chr(39) & "vbscript:window.event.srcElement.style.borderColor = " & Q2C & "#666666 #FFFFFF #FFFFFF #666666" & Q2C & Chr(39) & " onclick=" & Chr(39) & "vbscript:T1.Value = " & Q2C & CStr(i2C + 1) & Q2C & Chr(39) & ">"
         s1C = s1C & "<LABEL [highlight #FCE94F]" & sCellStyle & "[/highlight] onmousedown=" & Chr(39) & "vbscript:window.event.srcElement.parentElement.style.borderColor = " & Q2C & "#666666 #FFFFFF #FFFFFF #666666" & Q2C & Chr(39) & " onclick=" & Chr(39) & "vbscript:T1.Value = " & Q2C & CStr(i2C + 1) & Q2C & Chr(39) & ">" & AButs(i2C) &  "</LABEL></TD>"  '-- LABEL needed to prevent i-beam cursor over TD.
       End If
I have been invoking this vbscript from another vbscript using the following

Set WSHShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WSHShell.Run "wscript " & strFileName, 1, True
(Tried the value as 0 as well but same result as below, and the msgbox that returns the value inside the msgbox script also pops up everytime but will sometimes have a value of nothing)

It seems to bring up the msgbox 90% of the time but sometimes it does not. Would this be an issue in my invoking script or the msgbox script? Can I add in any commands to make 100% sure that the msgbox has popped up so the value returned from it isn't nothing?

Thanks for all advice :)
Hey, I was just wondering if anybody knew how to add text in between a row of buttons? I've tried things and haven't been successful as of yet :( basically what I'm trying to achieve is

button 1 button 2 button 3
Set of text here
button 1 button 2 button 3
button 1 button 2 button 3
Set of text here

Not necessarily in that type of order, just being able to pick where I slot some text in between button rows. Whenever I try it's appending to the top of the msgbox.

Thanks for any advice :)
In the context of your OP
It appears as though the buttons are created by a loop on line 143 [to 151] and stored in [tt]s1C[/tt]. It would be in here that you would add text. Be aware, however, that this WILL alter the display format and element flow so you may want to reconsider your approach.

       If AButs(i2C) <> "" Then
	   'MSGBOX i2c
           If i2C > 0 Then  s1C = s1C & sSpc  '-- add spaces between buttons.
 	[highlight #FCE94F] s1C = s1C & "<TR>"[/highlight]
 	 s1C = s1C & "<TD ALIGN=" & Q2C & "center" & Q2C & " ID=" & Q2C & "TDBut" & Q2C    
         s1C = s1C & " onmousedown=" & Chr(39) & "vbscript:window.event.srcElement.style.borderColor = " & Q2C & "#666666 #FFFFFF #FFFFFF #666666" & Q2C & Chr(39) & " onclick=" & Chr(39) & "vbscript:T1.Value = " & Q2C & CStr(i2C + 1) & Q2C & Chr(39) & ">"
         s1C = s1C & "<LABEL onmousedown=" & Chr(39) & "vbscript:window.event.srcElement.parentElement.style.borderColor = " & Q2C & "#666666 #FFFFFF #FFFFFF #666666" & Q2C & Chr(39) & " onclick=" & Chr(39) & "vbscript:T1.Value = " & Q2C & CStr(i2C + 1) & Q2C & Chr(39) & ">{" & AButs(i2C) &  "}</LABEL></TD>" '-- LABEL needed to prevent i-beam cursor over TD.
	 [highlight #FCE94F]s1C = s1C   & "</TR><TR><TD>Insert text here</TD></TR>"[/highlight]
       End If


Thanks Geates! Managed to have it work decently, not sure if it's possible to change the font and font size of the "insert text here" in the same spot? My knowledge is very limited as I've leveraged this code from elsewhere. Also, not a huge deal but when I try and center the "insert text here" to the middle of the message box it shifts the buttons along with it, not sure if that's possible, would be nice if it was but I don't have high hopes. Thanks for the expertise!
Sorry Guitarzan, missed your post.

I have something like this going at the moment

IF i2C = 6 THEN
s1C = s1C & "<TR><TD>TEXT GOES HERE</TD><TR>"

So basically it's just slotting in this text once it gets to button 6, I'm just looking to customize the font of the "TEXT GOES HERE" on the fly, and if possible place it in the center of the msgbox without shifting the other buttons but that part is more of a bonus.

Regarding formatting, I already demonstrated one way earlier:
<TD style='font: bold 18pt Arial;'>Insert text here</TD>
Yeah, sorry Guitarzan, I just had a bit of trouble applying it to the area I was trying to apply it for! I'll give it a try again and see if I can work out the kinks. Thanks for your help, again!
Regarding centering, replace the above with this
<TD COLSPAN=5 style='text-align: center;font: bold 18pt Arial;'>my text</TD><TR>

Again, just a quick and dirty method... not scalable at all (if you add more buttons per row, the centering will be off). Just meant to demonstrate some possibilities.
Beautiful, works like a charm as always, thanks again!
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