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Adding "ALL" to Combo Box 4

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May 15, 2003
I've seen code solutions for populating Combo Boxes and including an "ALL" selection, but I wanted to use a Select statement. I think I have a pretty good cludge here but I'm wondering if anyone has a better solution - ie: that doesn't require a table as my solution does.

I made a table (zzzthat has two fields: Fld1 and Fld1
The table has one row: Fld1 = -1, Fld2 = "ALL"

Originally I had the following Select statement for my combo box:

SELECT zzzType.TypeId, zzzType.TypeCode FROM zzzType ORDER BY zzType.TypeCode;

I changed it to the following:

SELECT zzzComboAdd.Fld1 AS TypeId, zzzComboAdd.Fld2 AS TypeCode FROM zzzComboAdd UNION SELECT zzzType.TypeId, zzzType.TypeCode FROM zzzType ORDER BY TypeCode;

It works great, and it'll work for all of the combo boxes in my appication simply by changing the field names in the first table of the union query.

Problem is, I hate the fact that I have to use a table. Seems like there should be a Select statement that doesn't require the extra table.

Any ideas?
Hi ReluctantDataGuy,

It's still a bit of a kludge (and along the same lines) but you should be able to do it with this - it still needs a valid table, but any one will do.

SELECT DISTINCT -1 AS TypeId, "ALL" AS TypeCode FROM zzzType UNION ALL SELECT zzzType.TypeId, zzzType.TypeCode FROM zzzType ORDER BY TypeCode;

Thank you Tony! That did the trick. I just added a space in front of " ALL" to make sure it sorts to the top even if there's a "lower" value than "ALL" in the list.

Hi there, this looks promising, will this replace the default blank screen on a combo box when the form is opened?

I am having problems interpreting and applying the above code to my application.

I am trying to replace the Blank combo box with "ALL", without the need for ALL to exist in the underlying query/table.

can you please explain how to use this with a combo box, say with a ROW SOURCE property populated like this.."SELECT [aProcedure].[Procedure/ Grid Standard] FROM aProcedure; ]"

Hi ChrisJF,

You should just be able to match the extra selection to your current one like ...

SELECT DISTINCT "ALL" AS [Procedure/ Grid Standard] FROM aProcedure
SELECT [aProcedure].[Procedure/ Grid Standard] FROM aProcedure;"


I have done as you said, but when I select the ALL in the Combo box, and run the query which takes that value, I get no result. I suppose I have to use an
IIF(...="all","*",....) type of solution.
Any comments?
Hi ChrisJF,

Yes, you're right. It does depend on what you do with the value selected in the combo, but you can't just feed it into SQL directly as though it were a value in your table. It can only be, effectively, a flag for your code to act upon.


Following on from above, I am using the following as criteria for the query taking an input from the combo box,

IIf([Forms]![AdminSearch]![frmAdmChapterNo].value="ALL",Like "*",[Forms]![AdminSearch]![frmAdmChapterNo])

where frmAdmChapterNo is the Combo box.

I have also set up ALL as the default value in the combo box properties.

Problem is the Like "*" does not seem to work. I get zero results returned when ALL is selected in the combo box.
I need to return the full data set when ALL is selected, but it may have some null values so the nz() function may need to be combined.
I have been using the following criteria for the selection which has been working correctly when the combo box default is null.

(like "*" & [Forms]![AdminSearch]![frmAdmChapterNo].value &"*") or nz([Forms]![AdminSearch]![frmAdmChapterNo],"")="")


Hi ChrisJF,

It's late and I'm about to go and watch a bit of poker on TV before I go to bed, so very quickly. I'll revisit in the morning to see how you've got on.

Your criteria at the moment, if I read you right, are Like "*combovalue*".

When ALL is selected do you not just want Like "**"? In other words, should you not just feed an empty dtring into the criteria.


Tony, I have tried that but for some reason it spits out a null result, however, if I select a chapter from the Combo box the resulting dynaset is correct. It just seems to struggle with interpreting a null result (ALL) from the IIF statement. Any suggestions?

Hi ChrisJF,

I have just tried out this slight variation on what you have and it works for me ..

Like Iif(([Forms]![AdminSearch]![frmAdmChapterNo]="All","",([Forms]![AdminSearch]![frmAdmChapterNo]) & "*"

I haven't tried combining it with anything else (like your nz function) but I don't see why it shouldn't work.

I have used the following.... modify it for your own needs

SELECT "*" AS RecID,"(All)" AS Stat From (Your Table) UNION SELECT (Your Field 1) AS RecID, (Your Field 2) AS Stat FROM (Your Table)

In this example my combo box has 2 fields one for status name for example "Open" and a status ID "1" only the status name column is shown on the combo box itself but if both columns were to show mine would be like this:

Column 1 | Column 2
* (ALL)
1 Open
2 Closed

Column 1 is bound for use in queries.

Hope this helps

I was having the same problem. I have it i Think.

The problem is the "Like" . You dont need the IIF. Just change criteria in the query to read.

"Like [Forms]![frmQuery]![cboAccount]"

With the "Like" in the front. Then use the other example with the * as the holder.
Column 1 | Column 2
* (ALL)

Then you need no other changes..

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