Anyone had any success creating News Items via LAPI (VB version)?
LL_CreateObjectEx works great for Documents, Folders, ..even Channels! ... but whenever I try to create a News Item I get a 'Container Error'.
Code Snippet follows...
LL_CreateObjectEx works great for Documents, Folders, ..even Channels! ... but whenever I try to create a News Item I get a 'Container Error'.
Code Snippet follows...
Call LL_ValueAlloc(aCreateInfo) ' The assoc val for the Creation Info
Call LL_ValueSetAssocInArgs(aCreateInfo)
Call LL_ValueAlloc(aRequest) ' The assoc val for the Request info
Call LL_ValueSetAssocInArgs(aRequest)
Call LL_AssocSetValue(aCreateInfo, "Request", aRequest) ' & attach the Request Assoc
' **** Now fill in the fields in the aRequest Assoc with the data required to create the News Item
'Key Value Type Value Description
'Story String the text containing the body of the news item
'DateEffective Date a value object of type Date specifying the date
' on which the news item becomes effective
'DateExpiration Date a value object of type Date specifying the
' date on which the news item expires
'Headline String the text representing the title of the news item
'IMG_ID Integer the object ID of an image (*.gif) file associated with
' the news item
'Comment String the comments associated with the news item
Call LL_AssocSetString(aRequest, "Story", objNewsItem.Body)
Call LL_AssocSetDate(aRequest, "DateEffective", MakeCDate(Now()))
Call LL_AssocSetDate(aRequest, "DateExpiration", MakeCDate(DateAdd("d", 5, Now())))
Call LL_AssocSetString(aRequest, "Headline", objNewsItem.Summary)
Call LL_AssocSetInteger(aRequest, "IMG_ID", 0)
Call LL_AssocSetString(aRequest, "Comment", "This is the Comment text")
' Now ensure we have a Unique Name for the News Item...
Call LL_ValueAlloc(aNodeInfo)
Call LL_ValueSetAssocInArgs(aNodeInfo)
Call LL_ValueAlloc(vName)
Call LL_AssocSetString(aNodeInfo, "Name", objNewsItem.Title)
Call LL_AssocSetInteger(aNodeInfo, "SubType", LL_NEWSSUBTYPE)
status = LL_GetUniqueObject(m_lSession, VolID, objNewsItem.ChannelID, aNodeInfo, vName)
If status <> LL_OK Then
LL_ErrorMsg m_lSession, "Getting Unique name for " & objNewsItem.Title
CreateNewsItem = -1
GoTo Exit_CreateNewsItem
End If
Call LL_ValueGetString(vName, sBuffer, 256, BUFSIZ)
sUniqueName = Left(sBuffer, BUFSIZ)
'Long LL_CreateObjectEx( _
' ByVal session as Long, _
' ByVal parentVolID as Long, _
' ByVal parentID as Long, _
' ByVal objType as Long, _
' ByVal objSubType as Long, _
' ByVal name as String, _
' ByVal createInfo as Long, _
' ByVal objectInfo as Long )
' Now create the Object...**** ALWAYS FAILS WITH A 'Container Error' *************
status = LL_CreateObjectEx(m_lSession, _
ChannelVolID, _
objNewsItem.ChannelID, _
sUniqueName, _
aCreateInfo, _
If status <> LL_OK Then
LL_ErrorMsg m_lSession, "Creating News Item: " & objNewsItem.Title
CreateNewsItem = -1
GoTo Exit_CreateNewsItem
End If