Good Day...
Our current 4 digit dialplan has the number nine(9) used as a FAC...and it is also what we use to dial out as well.
Dialed string - 9
Total Length - 1
Call Type - fax
I just researched our DID Inventory and we have some DID numbers that we can use (xxx-xxx-9700). How would I enter that into the dialplan so they can be used? Is this service affecting?
Our current 4 digit dialplan has the number nine(9) used as a FAC...and it is also what we use to dial out as well.
Dialed string - 9
Total Length - 1
Call Type - fax
I just researched our DID Inventory and we have some DID numbers that we can use (xxx-xxx-9700). How would I enter that into the dialplan so they can be used? Is this service affecting?