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Adding calendar created problems

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Technical User
Sep 15, 2004
I have added a calendar that opens as a pop up to change dates on a main form that has two linked subforms. Now my subforms do not update after the calendar has done its job and changed the dates. Form still works if I enter the dates into the fields, so what am I missing.
This is the calendar form code
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Public Sub SetControl(ctlToUpdate As Control)
Dim strActiveObjectName As String
On Error GoTo SetControl_Error

  strActiveObjectName = Application.CurrentObjectName & "_Calendar1_SetControl"

    ' Reset the "control set" public flag
    intSet = False
    ' First, validate the kind of control passed
    Select Case ctlToUpdate.ControlType
        ' Text box, combo box, and list box are OK
        Case acTextBox, acListBox, acComboBox
        Case Else
            MsgBox "Invalid control passed to the Calendar."
            DoCmd.Close acForm, Me.Name
    End Select
    ' Save the pointer to the control to update
    Set ctlThisControl = ctlToUpdate
    ' Set the flag to indicate we got the pointer
    intSet = True
    ' Save the "current" value of the control
    varDate = ctlToUpdate.Value
    ' Make sure we got a valid date value
    If varType(varDate) <> vbDate Then
        ' If not, set the default to today
        Me!Calendar1.Value = Date
        ' Otherwise, set the date to the one in the control
        Me!Calendar1.Value = varDate
    End If
    Exit Sub
  DoCmd.Hourglass False
  Application.Echo True
       MsgBox "An error has occured in " & strActiveObjectName & ".  @@" _
           & "Error number " & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description _
           & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "If this problem persists, note the error message and " _
           & "call your programmer.", , "Ooops . . .       (unexpected error)"
        DoCmd.Close acForm, Me.Name
       Resume SetControl_Exit

End Sub
Private Sub Calendar1_DblClick()
Dim strActiveObjectName As String
On Error GoTo ProcErr

  strActiveObjectName = Application.CurrentObjectName & "_Calendar1_DblClick"

  Exit Sub

  DoCmd.Hourglass False
  Application.Echo True
       MsgBox "An error has occured in " & strActiveObjectName & ".  @@" _
           & "Error number " & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description _
           & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "If this problem persists, note the error message and " _
           & "call your programmer.", , "Ooops . . .       (unexpected error)"
       Resume ProcExit
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Close()
Dim strActiveObjectName As String
On Error GoTo ProcErr

  strActiveObjectName = Application.CurrentObjectName & "_Form_Close"
    ' Make sure we got a valid control to point to
    If intSet Then
        ' OK - check to see if value changed
        If varDate = Me!Calendar1.Value Then
        ' Doing a reverse test here because
        '  if we were passed a Null, it will not compare equal to anything
            ctlThisControl.Value = Me!Calendar1.Value
        End If
    End If

  Exit Sub

  DoCmd.Hourglass False
  Application.Echo True
       MsgBox "An error has occured in " & strActiveObjectName & ".  @@" _
           & "Error number " & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description _
           & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "If this problem persists, note the error message and " _
           & "call your programmer.", , "Ooops . . .       (unexpected error)"
       Resume ProcExit
End Sub

Private Sub cmdClose_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdClose_Click


    Exit Sub

    MsgBox Err.Description
    Resume Exit_cmdClose_Click
End Sub
This is the form for the fields on the main form
Private Sub StartDate_AfterUpdate()
If StartDate > EndDate Then
    MsgBox "From Date must be prior to To Date, please check.", , "Date Error"
    Me.StartDate.Value = Me.EndDate.Value - 7
ElseIf StartDate <= EndDate Then
End If
End Sub
EndDate update is just a little different in msgbox etc, but has same Requery commands.
Any help or thoughts greatly appreciated
Thanks, Phil
How are ya PhilWB . . . . .
Microsoft said:
[blue]Writing to a control thru VBA [purple]does not trigger the AfterUpdate Event![/purple][/blue]
You'll have to requery your subforms in your code . . .

See Ya! . . . . . .
Thank you AceMan,
Knew it would be something simple that I was overlooking

Will get to learn all of this stuff one day, just got to work out on how to live to 125 !
Take care, Phil
So you think you would have learnt it all by the time you are 125? Most of us are well past that and are still learning [smile]
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