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Adding a Harddrive after a RH7.1 reinstall. 1

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Jun 25, 2001
I decided to do a fresh reinstall of RH7.1 last night and I have an issue.

I previously had RH 7.0 with a two Hard drive setup.
Basically had os on hda and all of my storage space on hdb.

Hdb is a 30GB IBM IDE drive which was formatted as an extended partition. Problem is that I can't remount the drive.

mount /dev/hdb1 /data

What am I doing wrong? Any ideas greatly appriciated.
IIRC, extended partitions start at 5 - ie hda5, as 1 to 4 are the primary partitions.
I hope this helps.
When the drive was setup on my RH7.0 box it it displayed that it was /dev/hdb1 ext2 and I mounted it to /data.

When I reinstalled a clean copy of RH7.1 I unplugged the drive so that I didn't accidentally erase it.

No that I have RH 7.1 setup and I have reconnected the 30Gb IBM drive with all my stuff it's gone.

I can do a mount ext2 /dev/hdb /data and it gives me an error that there is no mount point. So I created a /data.

THen I reran the command and it was successful.

When I cd /data and do a ls-lFa there is nothing there.

Does it take a minute to mount the filesystems?
Or am I doing something wrong?
after you mount the drive type "mount" and check that it really is mounted.
then type "df" and see what it says about hdb1. you should be able to see the correct drive size there and how much of the disk is used. if this is your 30gb drive and it's 0% full then it could be bad news.

if the drive ids have changed between the versions then try "cat /proc/partitions" to see the available partitions on your machine.

good luck :)
Firstly check how the drives look under fdisk by doing :

/sbin/fdisk -l /dev/hdb

This should tell you if there are any issues such as the partition becoming hidden. As said before if it really is an logical partition the 'parent' extended partition would be /dev/hdbx where x is 1 to 4 in the order the physical partition was created, i.e. it could indeed be /dev/hdb1. However, the actual logical (data) partitions within the extended partition begin /dev/hdb5 onwards. You would mount the logical partition not the extended partition.

Check the boot messages via dmesg to see how the system sees the partition table as it boots - logical partitons are shown within <> brackets.

Did you reconnect it to the same ide (first) controller as slave ? If not it could be hdc or hdd. What does seem odd is if you mounted a partition as -t ext2 and it didn't complain but you found nothing.

As said before, if it mounts without complaint and a 'df' shows the filesystem as large and empty you have a big problem!!

The filesystem should mount more or less instantaneously so theres something wrong if it takes a whole minute!

The only similar problem I had was upgrading from rh6.2 t rh7.0 due to the use of redhat's use of 'labels' in /etc/fstab instead of specific /dev/hdxx entries. This was supposed to help moving drives around as it's more 'logical' than 'physical'. You might want to check whats in you /etc/fstab for that drive.

Best of luck..
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