I'm sure this has been covered, however, I am placing a brand new server that runs 2003 SBS into my existing 2000 domain. I will be upgrading the executive branch users off the exchange 5.5 to exchange 2003 on the SBS. My current configuration is 1 windows 2000 file server (not domain controller), 2 windows 2000 servers, both running exchange 5.5 and both domain controllers. One of those domain controllers house the excecutive branch of usuers that I will be transferring over to the SBS server. From what I've read, all I need to do is run adprep /domainprep and adprep /forestprep on the 2 DCs and then run dcpromo on the SBS server to add it to the domain. Do I have to demote any of the DCs or can I leave them? I know the SBS server must have the FSMO role, etc and global catalog server. Can I use one of the other 2000 DCs as a global catalog server for redundancy?