I have just recently added a new IP address to my server. I already have several IP addresses on the server. This new one is a little different in that it is completely different from the others I am using. The other IPs were all identical except for the fourth number. This new IP address is completely different. (I know I am not using the correct terms. If you want to straighten me out, feel free.)
I modified the connection for my LAN and added the IP address to it. Now I can ping it to the server, but when I try to visit it on the Internet, I get a request for a user name and password. Why am I getting this security credential request? What have i forgotten to do? Thanks for the help.
I have just recently added a new IP address to my server. I already have several IP addresses on the server. This new one is a little different in that it is completely different from the others I am using. The other IPs were all identical except for the fourth number. This new IP address is completely different. (I know I am not using the correct terms. If you want to straighten me out, feel free.)
I modified the connection for my LAN and added the IP address to it. Now I can ping it to the server, but when I try to visit it on the Internet, I get a request for a user name and password. Why am I getting this security credential request? What have i forgotten to do? Thanks for the help.