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hamidreza sharifi

Technical User
Jan 27, 2018

Hi dears,

I tried to configure a SIP extention as follow:

ADD-BCSU:IPGW,1,1,6,"Q2343-X ",1,"0",1,,1,10,50,,,0,IPV4,NO,NO;

and I configured Zoiper application on my cell phone with Ip address with extension 2207 and also I inserted pass word, phone is registered and can dial all other extensions but no video call is available.

best regards
I know that back when I was playing with video I had to use Openscape 60 SIP phones and specific webcams, there are also parameters in SDAT and COS that needed to be added...

These are those: KN VC DMCALLWD MBCHL

And these are the COS attributes I'm using:

   | COS  |      VOICE      |      FAX      |       DTE       |                 
   |   35 |>SIP DEVICES                                       |
   |      |         TA      |      NOCO     |         TA      |
   |      |     TNOTCR      |     NOTIE     |     TNOTCR      |
   |      |     CDRATN      |               |      BASIC      |
   |      |       CDRS      |               |        TTT      |
   |      |     CDRSTN      |               |     UUS1IM      |
   |      |       CDRC      |               |       UUS3      |
   |      |     CDRINT      |               |                 |
   |      |         MB      |               |                 |
   |      |       CFNR      |               |                 |
   |      |        TTT      |               |                 |
   |      |        CFB      |               |                 |
   |      |     FWDBAS      |               |                 |
   |      |     FWDECA      |               |                 |
   |      |     FWDEXT      |               |                 |
   |      |       CCBS      |               |                 |
   |      |     UUS1IM      |               |                 |
   |      |       UUS3      |               |                 |

Hope something in there helps.... Not sure how much video stuff the PBX supports, and what it does I don't think happened until V7.

Don Bruechert, Voice Comm Analyst II
CareTech Solutions @ Holy Family Memorial
Manitowoc, WI, USA
FYI... the latest firmware on the Desk Phone CP600 allows video, but it's only for viewing, not two-way video conferencing. The example they use is for their "door phone" application.

Maintain HiPath 4000 V5 & V6, OpenScape Xpert V4, OpenScape Xpressions, OpenScape Contact Center V8, OpenScape Voice V9
Dear donb01

Thank you for your replay, but the problem steel exists:

   | COS  |      VOICE      |      FAX      |       DTE       |                 
   |    1 |>                                                  |
   |      |         TA      |      NOCO     |         TA      |
   |      |     TNOTCR      |     NOTIE     |     TNOTCR      |
   |      |     CDRATN      |               |      BASIC      |
   |      |       CDRS      |               |        TTT      |
   |      |     CDRSTN      |               |     UUS1IM      |
   |      |       CDRC      |               |       UUS3      |
   |      |     CDRINT      |               |                 |
   |      |     SCRSPC      |               |                 |
   |      |     RKOABS      |               |                 |
   |      |     COSXCD      |               |                 |
   |      |         MB      |               |                 |
   |      |      TRACE      |               |                 |
   |      |       CFNR      |               |                 |
   |      |        VCE      |               |                 |
   |      |     FWDNWK      |               |                 |
   |      |        TTT      |               |                 |
   |      |      REOVR      |               |                 |
   |      |     SUBCAL      |               |                 |
   |      |      SUBDB      |               |                 |
   |      |     SPECAR      |               |                 |
   |      |        CFB      |               |                 |
   |      |     FWDFAS      |               |                 |
   |      |     FWDDIR      |               |                 |
   |      |      CFSWF      |               |                 |
   |      |     FWDBAS      |               |                 |
   |      |     FWDECA      |               |                 |
   |      |     SUBEPP      |               |                 |
   |      |     FWDEXT      |               |                 |
   |      |       CCBS      |               |                 |
   |      |         CW      |               |                 |
   |      |     UUS1IM      |               |                 |
   |      |       UUS3      |               |                 |
   |      |       CFKL      |               |                 |

Best Regards
Dear LoPath

I'm not using CP phone, I'm using Zoiper app on android cell phone, and 3CX desktop windows application and Gigaset Maxwell-10.

thank you for your hint I will check and report the result.

Best regards.

There was no hint to solve my problem to make a video call between 2 SIP clients.

any hint or help or reference to clear solution is appreciated.

One other thing is that you need to be sure your cell phone is running WiFi on your company network and can access the IP address of your gateway (STMI) board. Different clients call the gateway different things, and some you need to specify it for both incoming and outgoing, and I believe the port should be 5060 and UDP but I'm a long, long way from an expert on the subject.

Don Bruechert, Voice Comm Analyst II
CareTech Solutions @ Holy Family Memorial
Manitowoc, WI, USA
By the Knights of Columbus, what is happening with that COS.

STMI does not support video calls, only softgate.
I have it running OS60 SIP to OS60 SIP - it took a while and by the time I had it working the person who wanted me to do it didn't even remember asking for it... It was phone to phone for internal calls only and the plan was for a customer to push the "push here for help" speed dial key and be connected with a human at the other end. They thought the video and being able to see each other would be more customer friendly.

Don Bruechert, Voice Comm Analyst II
CareTech Solutions @ Holy Family Memorial
Manitowoc, WI, USA
Check your codec settings on Zopier. H.264 (common) is not included in the free version.

Maintain HiPath 4000 V5 & V6, OpenScape Xpert V4, OpenScape Xpressions, OpenScape Contact Center V8, OpenScape Voice V9
Dear donb01 I have all phones connected and registered and all are in the same network and in the same virtual network.

Dear Moriendi all the hardware and environment are in a test Laboratory and I just activated all parameters every where is saw any one used for SIP Subscriber (I'm sorry for lack of knowledge).

I tried to use two OS60 SIP by use of logitech HD Webcam C270 to run a Video call but it doesn't answer either.

also I'm using 3CXPhone (as Soft phone) on my PC and video codec H.263(ffdshow) is available and support RFC2833 DTMF is enabled.

one point is that I saw a project ran video call without any Softgate or any other extra modules.
when I connect the camera to the OS60 SIP a comment is display "new USB detected Video Camera 12651BD0" and for 3 seconds it shows the video of camera on LCD. (the OS60 SIP detects camera correctly)

I just added some new subscribers as below:
ADD-SBCSU:2205,FPP,SIP,1-1-6-29,S0PP,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,N,0,0,,,"SBDSS1",Y,Y,0,10,N,N,,,5,0,1,,,"2205","2205","2205",,Y,,; (OS60 SIP connected via lan and voice call is available)
ADD-SBCSU:2206,FPP,SIP,1-1-6-25,S0PP,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,N,0,0,,,"SBDSS1",Y,Y,0,10,N,N,,,5,0,1,,,"2206","2206","2206",,Y,,;(Gigaset Maxwell-10 connected via lan and voice call is available)
ADD-SBCSU:2207,FPP,SIP,1-1-6-26,S0PP,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,N,0,0,,,"SBDSS1",Y,Y,0,10,N,N,,,5,0,1,,,"2207","2207","2207",,Y,,;(zoiper on cellphone connected via wifi and voice call is available)
ADD-SBCSU:2208,FPP,SIP,1-1-6-27,S0PP,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,N,0,0,,,"SBDSS1",Y,Y,0,10,N,N,,,5,0,1,,,"2208","2208","2208",,Y,,;(softphone 3cx on PC connected via lan and voice call is available)
ADD-SBCSU:2209,FPP,SIP,1-1-6-28,S0PP,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,N,0,0,,,"SBDSS1",Y,Y,0,10,N,N,,,5,0,1,,,"2209","2209","2209",,Y,,;(OS60 SIP connected via lan and voice call is available)

Couple of notes:

After you connect your webcams to the OS60 there are 1 or 2 places in the phone where you have to enable the video - one I believe is in the Admin menu, and the other is in the user menu. I used an article on the Unify wiki site to help me get that set up. There is also a minimum SIP software version fro the phone to be at, but if the phone is relatively new I would assume its good, since I set mine up in 2015.

Also, WBM (AKA Web-based Management) on the STMI cards can be a true pain in the a$$. It's all about having the correct Java version, and then IE will whine if there is a certificate mismatch, and if you're running a script blocker that will interfere, and you need to enable popups, and possibly put the IP addresses of the boards in trusted zone.

I have my computer frozen at Firefox 51.0.1, which is the last version before they broke the ability to use it for switch admin. That allows me to say "Allow and Remember" to all the stupid annoying security prompts, and I can enter exceptions for all the card IP addresses (yes, the memory leak is a pain, but I suppose I should really restart my browser every few days anyway!). I also have Java on my PC going all the way back to 6, so whatever Java version it needs is available. Some of the newer loadware on the cards seems to do better on the newer Java updates, but some of them still needed Java 6. Internet Destroyer is my most hated browser for this kind of work because despite my best efforts to sabotage it I still get asked about every other click whether I really want to click that or not, and of course Chrome won't have anything to do with Java now (or any of the other browser names that all use Chrome as their base code).

Don Bruechert, Voice Comm Analyst II
CareTech Solutions @ Holy Family Memorial
Manitowoc, WI, USA
Each time you install a Java update you have to go back through the install prep and re-install the java certificate and the applet cache manager because each new version of Java goes in its own directory and those things then have to be added. I actually keep the 2 EXE files to install the certificate and applet cache manager in a directory on my PC so I can just run them as needed and it saves hassle.

Another thing to know about Java is if you go into the Java Console in control panel and look you might see that you have all those Java versions installed but there are not check marks in the boxes that say they are active for use. You will get nagged about "insecure" java versions being activated, but I usually leave the V6 versions checked as well as the most recent version because some of those older things still need V6. We have that same problem with other applications besides the 4K at our place that are old enough that they won't work with newer Java versions so we have to hang on to those older ones.

You can also whitelist the IP addresses of your assistant and your STMI/NCUI cards in Java (and the trusted zone in IE) and it helps a little bit, and in advanced network settings tell it not to nag you about a certificate mismatch. I have firefox 51, which allows me to "Allow and Remember" different things I do with the system and it stops nagging me about every little thing. I have one computer that is kind of "sandboxed" and held at an older point in time so that I can access everything in an emergency.

Don Bruechert, Voice Comm Analyst II
CareTech Solutions @ Holy Family Memorial
Manitowoc, WI, USA
Dears Hi

I have same problem.
Still Video call is not accessible.

would you please help me.
Best Regards
Like I said, video calls were never released or supported for STMI.

Softgate has a new piece of code called SMP, SIP Media Proxy, which allows endpoints to exchange SIP headers transparently, and negotiate services. STMI is going to try and parse the SDP and anything it doesn't like is going to cause a problem.

If Don has it working on an OS60 with USB, (and never released doesn't mean never worked, but development did stop on it), then you need a Wireshark trace of a working INVITE from Don's OS60, and you need to compare that with the INVITE from your bad one, paying close attention to the SDP from both phones. You also need to compare loadware versions of the cards, and firmware version of the OS60. Even then it's not guaranteed to work, because like I said, it's not released or supported.
I have video working on my V7R2 - we set up 2 phones to be "door phones" and then they never used them after I got it working..

Make sure you have current loadware on the STMI cards
Both phones must be OS60
Both phones must be SIP
DMC must be working and enabled on both phones
You must use a supported video camera (see wiki article)
There are additional attributes that must be in SDAT on both phones
I believe there are COS parameters that need to be added
On each phone you need to enable video in Admin menu
On each phone you need to enable video in user menu.

THEN you can call the other phone and have video. You can only do video calls between properly configured OS60 SIP phones that are on the same network, because DMC needs to work

Don Bruechert, Voice Comm Analyst II
CareTech Solutions @ Holy Family Memorial
Manitowoc, WI, USA

OS4K V7 not support video calls ,with Soft gate video calls are working

if SIP phones with pay load from the network will work
voice calls are working fine

Instead of dialing extension number, by dialing with IP address video calls are working.
i have used poly com video phone in OS4K and all video calls are working by dialing through short key and stored IP address.
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