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Adaptec Easy CD Creator did not recognize burner ???

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Technical User
Jun 14, 2001
_After swiching to DSL internet connection (Sympatico) from dial-up, my CD burner (Sony CRX140E) was no longer recognized by the program "Adaptec Easy CD Creator v4.05" when I tried to burn a new CD.

I 've been using this proggy for 1.5 years with no problem.

_I tried re-installation of Windows 98SE and the program itself but nothing worked !

_Could there be a cause-effect from this switching to DSL ??

_How can I fix this problem ?

(It's interesting to note that I can still copy files to a CD-RW CD-rom disk !! but I cannot burn CD-R disks ???)

_Please help,,, Thanks 10^6
I've had this problem with adaptec as well, as long as windows see's that drive, i wouldnt have reloaded it, but too late for that now. I would see if you can find a different program to burn with, i like cequadrant or sony makes a good one. I've lost much faith in adaptec programs lately. Maybe you can find the lately version of adaptec on the web?
It may well be your ASPI layer has been corrupted. You can d/l the latest checker/installer form Roxio. Doubt it's the DSL config. Have you recently switched media brands (CDR)? Some generic brands are not really stable.

Hope that helps.


I tried a drastic measure by removing the current disk drive and replaced it by another spare hard drive, cleanly installed with win98 SE from scratch . I loaded up Easy CD Creator v4.05 and tried again to burn a new CD . It was back to normal again !

I decided to keep the spare HD and reformat the old HD ( also for other reasons ).

The problem was solved but I still did not know the cause of "Easy CD Creator" disfunction with the old HD .

Thanks Zorlod and Skeeter for the kind suggestions.

Thank you
This maybe too late but if you go to the Roxio web site and download the patch for CD Creator to update the program all will be fine.
you try Nero burning 5 it's a better tools than adaptec, and chwck if you cd-r is plug lonely and the hard drive with the tape 1.44 maybe that works. Hope it's not to late
The problem could have been corrected by a registry hack. The supported drives are listed in the registry entry for the software and if the entry does not exactly match the drive as detected by Windows, and shown in the Device Manager, the drive does not work.

I use two CDRW's @work - a HP 6200 and a HP 6300+. The 6200 came with EZ CD Writer, the 6300+ did not, and I wanted to use the software with the 6300+. A little digging into the software's operation discovered the above fact, and after I hacked the registry to make a table entry to exactly match the 6300+ drive the software worked perfectly. I can point you to the exact location in the registry if you wish - I'll have to find it again when I'm in front of the machine in question.
Dinosnake, what is the exact registry hack? I also had this problem. Easy CD Creator 3.5 and 4 worked fine with my OLD 2X CD-RW. I recently upgraded to a 40X CD-RW, but the Roxio software did not recognize the drive. I installed Nero, which came with the drive, and Nero worked fine. I tried all kinds of combinations of 'master' and 'slave', I reinstalled Windows ME, I upgraded to Easy CD Creator 5.0, I bought a new 48X burner of a different brand, no luck! At this point, I was just going to return the 48X and just get a burner that is listed on the Roxio page as 'supported'. I'd like to keep the 48X if there is a fix. Can you help?
OK, here's the story:

The drive that I was trying to use was a HP 9300+, a SCSI device. So in:




which contained:


(for my device. The first part it the only one we want)

This told me what identification Windows had applied to the SCSI based CDRW. Now, if you are using IDE then it should be located in:


and a entry for the writer should be there, and in that entry should be the Class ID, and in THAT entry on the right hand side should HaredareID which will tell you the name of the device. Then look at the Device Manager\CDROM to confirm the way Windows sees it.

I had EasyCD Creator 3.5, so in:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Adaptec\Easy CD Creator\Devices

you will find entries for every device supported. Now hopefully you either

(a) know the manufacturer of the drive, not just the name on it. For instance, it worked out that the HP 9300+ was actually a Sony type 5004. It turned out that most HP's are Sony's, as the Device table shows

(b) you have a brand-name drive. In that case go to the correct entries in the Device table (they are alphabetical).

So I scrolled down to the 'HP' entries and found a entry for the 9200 listed as device177

HP CD-Writer+ 9200,HP,CD-Writer+ 9300,SONY5004,cdrmmc.drv,130

and simply changed it to read:

HP CD-Writer+ 9300,HP,CD-Writer+ 9300,SONY5004,cdrmmc.drv,130

Voila! Instant drive support!

A little confusing, I know. The jist of it is find out what Windows names the drive and then hack a pre-existing entry (the easiest way) in CD Creator's Device database to match the name (the first part of the entry) and also have the correct entry for the device (the second part).

If the drive has a manufacturer's name in the Device Manager entry then it is easier - go to similiar entries and hack away. If not you'll have to try one of the Generics and go from there.

Let me know your specifics and I'll help any way I can! Your mileage may vary...
Funny... I had the same problem... finally got disgusted, went and bought a new program for the same old burner(same burner as yours) installed ValuSoft~~~HotBurn.. Burn and Go Gold and it works better than the original software that came with the burner... no more buffer errors at all which were driving me crazy... and yes I too had to edit the HKEY Everyone needs an angel now and then... *smile*...
Hi there,

I was wondering if anyone had a similar problem where Easy CD Creator would not recognise multisession cd's?

I have still be able to copy and burn new cd's however Easy CD will not recognise any existing content on the disk if I am wanting to add more to it. It puzzles me coz it was working fine not so long ago and now it wont perform now. I hav tried reinstalling the updates and currently have installed v 3.5c

Does anyone know away at fixing this problem?


as drastic as this may seem try this.

completely remove the cdr/w unit from the system. reboot and remove the Creator software also.

reboot again

then, arduously, perform a fresh "install" of all the writer stuff again.

sometimes the system cannot relink the hardware when high priority DSl software is installed. sounds weird huh!

boot up into a "Safe mode" and hava look at system properties/hardware and see what is lingering in the cdrom category. Best regards,
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