Last night the thing froze. I gave it a reboot. The server was un-responsive completely and I had to hold in power button to turn off the server. It came up but the voicemail service was "starting" for over an hour. I cancelled that, gave a proper reboot to the server and tried again, but still the service didn't start up in over an hour.
Then I stopped it again, made a backup copy of the c:\vmail folder, and then issued the "voiceserver dbchk /f" command. It ran for about an our, looks like it did its thing.
Now I'm starting the voiceserver service again, and so far it's been "starting" for 10 minutes.
I went through this whole thing over a year ago, at which time I just re-installed the whole thing on a new server from scratch. At that time the hard drive was so old that it took me 2 days to rescue my backup file from it. Eventually I managed and everything came back up.
This time I'm not intending to spend another 2 days on re-installing from scratch. Any experience or advice?
Then I stopped it again, made a backup copy of the c:\vmail folder, and then issued the "voiceserver dbchk /f" command. It ran for about an our, looks like it did its thing.
Now I'm starting the voiceserver service again, and so far it's been "starting" for 10 minutes.
I went through this whole thing over a year ago, at which time I just re-installed the whole thing on a new server from scratch. At that time the hard drive was so old that it took me 2 days to rescue my backup file from it. Eventually I managed and everything came back up.
This time I'm not intending to spend another 2 days on re-installing from scratch. Any experience or advice?