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AD integrated DNS Zones not replicating

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Technical User
Apr 16, 2001
I have two domain controller running DNS and the DNS zones are the active directory integrated type. I was told and read that they should automatically replicate with AD replication. (These are not primary and secondary but AD replicated)
Does anyone know how to force replication of the integrated zones? Can, or should I create a secondary (backup) zone and then maybe "promote" it to AD integrated.
This became a priority today after an electrical storm took out a NIC card on the domain controller with the DNS zone and we lost a lot of connectivity.

Thanks in advance!!!!
Did you name the Zones correctly? It's important to name them using the Windows domain namespace. E.g. computer1.domain.local would have the zone named domain.local. This will cause Ad to create the AD Replication. The second server would also have to have the zone named accordingly domain.local. This would of course apply to the Forward Lookup Zones only. Windows 2000 should then start replicating records.

I would remove the current DNS zones on the second server, and create a new secundary zone. ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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Peter Van Eeckhoutte
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To Pilot1;
Yes, the zone names fit our domain names as needed.
DNS is functioning properly as far as resolving names and such. It's the replication that is not working.

To Peter,
I will lay it out so I can understand your answer easier.

Domain Controller #1
Forward zones
1) domainname.com (another zone set-up for internal web server. It is also AD integrated Not sure why, I'll work on that later, it replicates OK)
2) hq.domainname.com (this is the primary AD Integrated zone with most of the entries and it will not replicate to the second server)
Reverse Zones
bla bla bla
Domain Controller #2
Forward Zones
1) domainname.com (this AD Integrated zone replicated to this server without problem)
Reverse Zones
bla bla bla

***Notice how the hq.domainname.com zone did not replicate to the other server which also has AD and is a domain controller. As I lok through the properties of each zone in the DNS snap-in I will note the differences. I am not good enough with DNSor AD to do trial and error.
1) Allow dynamic updates on hq.doainname.com is set to "only secure updates" and on plain domainname.com it is set to "no"
2) the seriel numbers are different ( I have no idea what they are)
3)the hq.xxx has our wins server added and teh domainname.com zone does not but it is only for teh web servers so that should be OK, no?

THese are the only differences in the properties I can see.

Hope this helps you understand and me figure it out.

Thanks again.
Just an update that this was corrected and I never posted the method.
I created another zone with the same exact name on the backup server and it autmatically replicated.
I am having a similar problem. I have AD integrated zone and one dc is not receiving or sending DNS updates... everything else, users, etc... is replicating properly.
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