Originally my problem was that activeperl returned the error "couldnt load perlDir/odbc.dll" as soon as i tried to load the win32:
dbc module. i heard from another forum that i needed to give my iusr account read access to the correct odbc.dll's in the windows/system32 dir. that partially solved my problem, perl successfulyy loads the win32
dbc module now, but now for some reason i cant connect to the database. ms odbc returns "Error: [911] [] "[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified" i have to assume its due to some bad permission setting somewhere. perhaps the odbc is writing some type of cachefile and cant get permision? i know the data source is there and that i am using the right dsn name in my script. also, i gave the iusr account read access to the database files. the database is a visual foxpro database