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Actionscript Gaming

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Mar 27, 2005
I'm really new to actionscript and I am attempting to make a game. I can make a object move around using the keyboard but I do not know how to make a object rotate when a key is pressed. I also need to have some type of gravity. So when I press right on the keyboard the object will stay on the terrain, even if there is a hill. So...

1. How do I make an object rotate when a key is pressed.

2. How do I make some sort of gravity to keep an object on the ground.

Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks.
Normal Method For Making A Button: Create a simple button with animation on roll over

Ascii = Key.getAscii()String = String.fromCharCode(Key.getAscii())
Code = Key.getCode()

Ascii() | String | Code
0 | (left) | 37
0 | (up) | 38
0 | (down) | 40
0 | (right) | 39

Ascii() | String | Code
27 .(esc) 27
8 .(backspace) 8
0 (capslock) 20
0 (shift) 16
(alt) 18
0 (ctrl) 17
13 (enter) 13
32 (space) 32

function keys
Ascii() | String | Code
0 (F1) 112
0 (F2) 113
0 (F3) 114
0 (F4) 115
0 (F5) 116
0 (F6) 117
0 (F7) 118
0 (F8) 119
0 (F9) 120
0 (F10) 121
0 (F11) 122
0 (F12) 123

letters and other main keyboard w/shift key on
Ascii() | String | Code
126 ~ 192
33 ! 49
64 @ 50
35 # 51
36 $ 52
37 % 53
94 ^ 54
38 & 55
42 * 56
40 ( 57
41 ) 48
95 _ 189
43 + 187
124 | 220
81 Q 81
87 W 87
69 E 69
82 R 82
84 T 84
89 Y 89
85 U 85
73 I 73
79 O 79
80 P 80
123 { 219
125 } 221
65 A 65
83 S 83
68 D 68
70 F 70
71 G 71
72 H 72
74 J 74
75 K 75
76 L 76
58 : 186
34 " 222
90 Z 90
88 X 88
67 C 67
86 V 86
66 B 66
78 N 78
77 M 77
60 < 188
62 > 190
63 ? 191

letters and other main keyboard, no shift
Ascii() | String | Code
96 ` 192
49 1 49
50 2 50
51 3 51
52 4 52
53 5 53
54 6 54
55 7 55
56 8 56
57 9 57
48 0 48
45 - 189
61 = 187
92 \ 220
113 q 81
119 w 87
101 e 69
114 r 82
116 t 84
121 y 89
117 u 85
105 i 73
111 o 79
112 p 80
91 [ 219
93 ] 221
97 a 65
115 s 83
100 d 68
102 f 70
103 g 71
104 h 72
106 j 74
107 k 75
108 l 76
59 ; 186
39 ' 222
122 z 90
120 x 88
99 c 67
118 v 86
98 b 66
110 n 78
109 m 77
44 , 188
46 . 190
47 / 191

keypad keys w/numlock on
Ascii() | String | Code
47 / 111
42 * 106
45 - 109
55 7 103
56 8 104
57 9 105
52 4 100
53 5 101
54 6 102
49 1 97
50 2 98
51 3 99
48 0 96
46 . 110
13 13
43 + 107

keypad keys w/numlock off
Ascii() | String | Code
47 / 111
42 * 106
45 - 109
0 (Home) 36
0 (up arrow) 38
0 (PgUp) 33
0 (left arrow) 37
0 12
0 (right arrow) 39
0 (End) 35
0 (down arrow) 40
0 (PgDown) 34
0 (Ins) 45
127 (Del) 46
13 (Enter) 13
43 + 107

Ascii() | String | Code
0 (ScrollLock) 145
0 (Pause) 19
0 (Ins) 45
0 (Home) 36
0 (PageUp) 33
127 (Delete) 46
0 (End) 35
0 (PageDown) 34

1. If we are going to start the GAME PROJECTs in Flash.Can you tell me how to START the coding i.e. How should be the flow? I am going to plan for (Fight game of two players)
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Part and Inventory Search

