we had a tape break inside a 9940b drive. Oracle came out and declare the drive broken and manually remove the tape from the drive.
I couldn't vary the drive off before it was removed (in use) and can't seem to do anything to it now(offline).
0, 2, 1, 2 offline in use XA1035 T9940B
ACSSA> dismount
Volume identifier(volume label): XA1035
Drive identifier(acs,lsm,panel,drive): 0,2,1,2
Option(force/<return>): force
Dismount: Dismount failed, Drive identifier 0, 2, 1, 2 offline.
i've restarted ACSLS to no avail. does anyone know a way to fix this?
we had a tape break inside a 9940b drive. Oracle came out and declare the drive broken and manually remove the tape from the drive.
I couldn't vary the drive off before it was removed (in use) and can't seem to do anything to it now(offline).
0, 2, 1, 2 offline in use XA1035 T9940B
ACSSA> dismount
Volume identifier(volume label): XA1035
Drive identifier(acs,lsm,panel,drive): 0,2,1,2
Option(force/<return>): force
Dismount: Dismount failed, Drive identifier 0, 2, 1, 2 offline.
i've restarted ACSLS to no avail. does anyone know a way to fix this?