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ACS R 6.0 with door king at gate of residence.

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Dec 19, 2007
I'm having big problem. Customer has one C.O. line only. Line goes to alarm, KSU , maybe somewhere else too?

I have the gate coming into Door King 1875 bypass switch then into CO port 4 on 308 EC card.
Gate can call into the system and line 4 lights up with distinctive ring pattern.
But when customer wants to go off hook on CO line 4 and call down to the gate to activate closure options we get no dial tone until I plug the return side of 1875 bypass switch into an ext. Currently Ext. 22.

This is how it was wired by someone else before I swapped out ACS 308 processor in March 2016.
But before his two 206 cards went belly up last week , it seems that it worked good.
Now I have ACS R6 slot 3, 308 EC slot 1, and Partner Mail VS 5.0 slot 2 in 5 slot carrier.

Because there is only one live C.O. number on premises it seems that when you press line 4 button to call down to the gate Line 1 shows busy red light as I would expect.

But now when calls come in from outside world gate seems to seize the dial tone at certain times and then Ext.22 stays busy and holds the line?
Also some calls ringing in then cause Line 4 distinctive gate ring to be triggered. Apparently these last 2 problems were not occurring before.

Any concrete ideas? Thank you!!

Door Kings are a strange animal. It is designed to take dial tone from the Telephone Company protector into it, and then return to the house wiring. Just like an RJ-31 on an alarm system.

Take the phone system out of the picture for a minute, and think about how it works if you had one telephone line and 1 telephone in the house. Dial tone goes from the telco to the Door King on one pair, and a 2nd pair from the Door King goes to the single line phone. A visitor presses the call button, the Door King disconnects the telephone company line, generates its own ring voltage and talk battery, making the house phone ring and letting you talk. If you had already been on the phone, the Door King would give you a "Call Waiting" tone, you flash, the telephone line is held by the Door King, and you can talk to the visitor. When you just want to open the gate, without any call in progress, you go off hook and dial a Touch Tone digit, usually * or #, the Door King is listening and responds, disconnecting the phone line while it interacts with you.

When you bring your Partner into the equation, take an extension, and remove ALL of the lines from it. Connect this extension to the Door King where the telephone company line would normally go. Take the return of the Door King, which would normally go to the single line phone and connect it to Line 4 on the ACS. Give it a unique ring, and take it out of everyone's Auto Line Select.

A visitor comes to the gate and presses the Call button. Line 4 on the Partner phones rings, you can answer, and open the gate by pressing the correct key sequence. You just want to have the Door King open the gate, pick up Line 4 and input the code. You're actually picking up internal dial tone from the Partner station.

The real line from the phone company just goes through the alarm system and into the Partner as Line 1. Doesn't connect to the Door King at all.

There is one other mode of operation for the Door King. You can supply it a single line extension from the Partner, again programmed with all outside lines removed, and program the Door King to go off hook and dial an extension number when the visitor presses the Call button. You can have it dial a calling group, the display will show the name of the extension calling, but the ring tone will not be unique from any other internal call. While you are talking to the visitor, the Door King is listening for you to dial the code to open the gate. BUT, if there isn't a call in progress, and you want to open the gate, you Intercom to the station, and wait for the Door King to answer, enter a passcode, and then the code to open the gate.

You can find the manuals on line with a simple Google search.
TTT I HEAR YOU, but I am not the original installer. I know previously customer had 3 lines, but has since condensed to 1.
sometimes it is hard to think straight when customer is not understanding the situation.
I don't understand how previous installer seemed to loop dt out from door king into L4 on ACS then return path from Ext.22.
Bizzarro world. and now when i re hook it up that way line 1 is also appearing at Ext.22 & Line 4 simultaneously.
Bizzarre again, cuz as we know dt is supposed to come in and then return via 1875 bypass switch.

Door king can then either be programmed for dt or just an intercom type line voltage.

I am very confused at this point even though i have wired up many Door kings to mostly s/l type stuff.

Thanks TTT

customer also swears he gets real dt when he goes off hook on Line 4, ,although I'm thinking he was getting intercom tone??

You can change the IC DT to 'machine' to get it to mimic a standard dial tone. You can also set up the ALS to pick up IC first. That's what we use in our lab to simulate standard dial tone.

Dermis and feline can be divorced by manifold methods.*
*(Disclaimer for all advise given)--'Version Dependent'
Or, Ext. 22 may have been programmed to go off hook on Line 1, but not have incoming ringing.
TTT the partner only has 1 line in assigned lines, but the line 4 button on every ext was programmed for delayed ring L4. I det ext 22 line 4 butoon to no ring but that did not cure my problem. TTT what is the code take the supposed line 4 out of the auto code select?
But what is weird is how under assigned lines there is only one line??
I agree with budbyrd. I think somehow the door king needs to be reprogrammed for the intercom setting where no C.O, dial tone is landed at the gate.

The number of outside lines assigned in #104 is to put X number of lines with Immediate Ringing on ALL extensions, ALS from lowest line to highest line, for ext 10 through 57. Only done at initial installation, because after that you will affect every phone in the system, overwriting ringing and auto line select settings.

Then you can come back with #302-(Ext No.)-(Line No.)-3 and press a button of where to assign on that particular phone. That's how they got Line 4 assigned to the phones, even though #104 says 1 line.

For Auto Line Select, you go to Centralized Telephone Programming, dial up the extension number, dial **, press the lines in the order to be accessed (using the Left Intercom button if you want Intercom accessed before the lines), then dial ** again.

For Ext. 22, delete ALL of the lines assigned to it. #302-22-press the CLEAR button (4th column, 2nd button down). With no lines assigned to it, it will Auto Line Select to Intercom, because that's all there is.

I plan on doing the Auto select for int only.

It seems previous guy had ACS co 4 going in to Door king and then back from door king going to Ext.22

But if I am to understand correctly that should be reversed??But I did reverse those yesterday and was getting line 1 busying out when pressing gate button, and Ext. 22 holding on to Line 1??

it seems thatthe original and only working line 1 butts into Co 4 when going thru door king bypass switch.

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