I'm using the ACE TAO CORBA product, and am using its Implementation Reopsitory and Naming Service services. These services rely on Windows Registry settings to properly configure them. In the registry settings, you specify where to find the "config" files these services need to use on a regular basis. These files are currently on the local C: drive, but if I reboot the machine, I temporarily lose access to these files. This temporary loss suqsequently causes CORBA comms issues with my software processes using CORBA and I ultimately have to bounce them to recover the CORBA comms issues. I tried to create a Windows DFS (Distributed File System) share to add redundancy and persistence of these files, even during a reboot. The problem is that when I change the registry entries to specify the DFS shared drive (e.g. N
instead of C:, the Naming Service throws errors when I subsequently start it. It seems to only want local drives for hosting its "config" files. Has anyone figured out a way to provide reduncancy of the ImR and/or Naming Service such that the key files it needs to constantly access are NOT sitting on the local drive of only one machine, thus creating a single point of failure?