we have a number of employees with vmail accounts but no physical phone sets...
the original group were programmed as acd maxp 1 ncfw...
i've been adding phantom dcfw...
question...is one method better than the other?
Building ACD's will add to the total ACD count you have in your system, so if you are getting close to using all the ACD's you have purchased, that could be a problem. So, If you have plenty of room for either Phantom or ACD, it may not matter either way.
adding maxp 1 only uses the one of the 32 thousand acd groups you can have, not the acd agents that require lic. i outed 300 phantoms to get those tn lic back and now just use maxp 1 acd for most of my call redirects.. the only soft sets i use are where the users need to change the call forward dest, via rcfw..
I agree with John. We too have been using Phantoms but they are licensed TNs. Since Succession and the changes that it brought regarding licensing, using ACD DNs is a great idea!
You can use either, but in a networked environment or in a VoIP environment, ACD queues do not always work and you must use a phantom. Just keep that in mind. If it is a stand alone system, you should be fine.
Remember that Call Pilot "prefers" phantoms so anytime something doesn't forward to Call Pilot correctly using an ACD DN, use a phantom.
In Succession 3.0 and higher, phantoms do not use TN licenses.
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