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ACD supervisor

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Technical User
Jan 13, 2005
Hello! I am a ACD supervisior, and I was told when the ACD was put in that you could force an agent to answer calls. I have several agents that stay in "not ready" or "set busy." I have asked serveral times for instructions on how to force the agent into "ready" and still have not received the information that I need. Can anyone give me some pointers? Thanks!!
is this helpfull ??

Call forcing is an optional alternative to the standard manual answering of ACD calls. When an agent awaiting a call is targeted as next in line, to receive a call, the agent receives a 500-ms tone through the headset and the call presents to the set in an answered state . It is not necessary to use the in-calls key.
If the caller releases from the call first and disconnect supervision is provided, the agent is returned to the queue automatically after a delay specified in the delay timer programming, this allows post call processing to take place or another key to be pressed such as Not Ready. Should post-call processing not be required the agent can return to the queue by pressing the In-calls key.

The prompts used in LD 23, relating to this feature are:

FORC yes (to allow call force to take place)
FCFT Flexible Call Force Timer
(enter the time in seconds between 0 and 30, the default is 2, to specify the time allowed between the
termination of one call and the forcing of the next.
FADT Not used in the UK.
FADR Forced Answer Delay for Ringing.
(some callers do no like to be immediately connected and this setting guarantees that they will receive
ring tone, enter the ringing time minimum in seconds between 0 and 15, 0 is the default.

this only works with headsets being used. it will not stop agents from staying in the not ready status, have the not ready key taken off the phone, or fire people who don't want to do thier job..the auto answer is great, no ringing lines to the group, no buttons to push, here the beep and start talking, it's not a fix for a personel problem..

john poole
bellsouth business
I would be carefull with doing that. You are looking at opening yourself up to a lawsuit.
Could be considered harrasment.
Just make sure you lay out the standard to meet and what steps will happen if they are not meet.
Give them the rope, they know what to do with it.
I have yet to see a lawsuit, and it is not harrassment, as you are running the report for all rep's, and it is based on employee productivity. Trust me I have worked in CCard call centers, and most agents are by far some of the laziest people if they can get away with it.
Now throw out a daily, weekly, and monthly queue report, and you'd be amazed at the turn around in productivity. Then add a reader board or two that flashes real time stats, now thats a party. Not to mention HR loves it, as this is "documented" proof, something HR rarely ever gets.
Standards are pretty straight forward, 8 hour day, minus 1 hour for lunch, and 2 15 minute breaks, that equals to 6 1/2 hours of actual work hours. With the reports it is very, very simple to weed out the bad seeds. 10 reps 5 hours 45 minutes on the phone, 5 reps with less than an hour.
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