I am calling a 32 bit clarion dll from a 32 bit delphi program. My dll is called , the clarion window shows, I select what I want printed, the dll reads the db4 shared table, converts variables, closes, and then at the line: 'open(report)', I get the windows message accessviolation at address......<br>
It's not the calling convention compatibility, since the dll is called fine. The exact same code worked fine when clarion was 16 bit and delphi was 16 bit. Also, if I compile the clarion code as an executable (exe) rather than a dll and run it standalone, it works fine. <br>
The access violation message indicates that some memory address 'owned' by the delphi program is trying to be accessed to open my report.<br>
What could it be????<br>
It's not the calling convention compatibility, since the dll is called fine. The exact same code worked fine when clarion was 16 bit and delphi was 16 bit. Also, if I compile the clarion code as an executable (exe) rather than a dll and run it standalone, it works fine. <br>
The access violation message indicates that some memory address 'owned' by the delphi program is trying to be accessed to open my report.<br>
What could it be????<br>