Hi, I'm somewhat new to scripting and web development. The closest thing I could find to my question was the question from JanS on 7/24 about populating a listbox with selected elements from a recordset in client script depending on a users radio button selections.
Is there a way that I can "pass down" a recordset that was created in server script so that I can access the data from a client-side script? Basically I want to populate the default values of a form (with data from the recordset) according to a listbox selection (in a list that has already been populated in server script).
Hope you can see what I'm trying to do. Any help, pointers, etc. is greatly appreciated. Trying to do it the "right" way, but in lieu of that I'd be grateful for any method that would work.
Is there a way that I can "pass down" a recordset that was created in server script so that I can access the data from a client-side script? Basically I want to populate the default values of a form (with data from the recordset) according to a listbox selection (in a list that has already been populated in server script).
Listbox1: Form:
--------- ----------------------------
Person1ID Name Textbox: Person2's Name
Person2ID (Selected) Other Fields: Person2's Info