I'm trying to get more than one Windows machine connected to a DS4200 via fibre channel. As far as I know it's possible to share the DS4200 in general (Windows-mapped drives via fastT drivers), but with seperate storage areas (via LUN masking). Every attempt to share the exact same storage area led to NTFS corruption up to now.
Do you know how to make simultaneous access possible here, especially in a small corporate environment? Any hints would be appreciated.
I'm trying to get more than one Windows machine connected to a DS4200 via fibre channel. As far as I know it's possible to share the DS4200 in general (Windows-mapped drives via fastT drivers), but with seperate storage areas (via LUN masking). Every attempt to share the exact same storage area led to NTFS corruption up to now.
Do you know how to make simultaneous access possible here, especially in a small corporate environment? Any hints would be appreciated.