Newbie in the house.I've got qmail up and runing (with the pop3d)on RH 7.1. I can send and receive but have not figured out how to access my received emails. I installed MUTT which allowed me to compose and send emails but I haven't been able to figure out how to configure it so that I can access qmails Maildir.
I've subsequently found out that outlook is also able to access qmail. Can somebody please tell me how to configure
something, anything, to access my received emails on qmail
Newbie in the house.I've got qmail up and runing (with the pop3d)on RH 7.1. I can send and receive but have not figured out how to access my received emails. I installed MUTT which allowed me to compose and send emails but I haven't been able to figure out how to configure it so that I can access qmails Maildir.
I've subsequently found out that outlook is also able to access qmail. Can somebody please tell me how to configure
something, anything, to access my received emails on qmail