I've just spent a very frustrating 3 hrs trying to close down excel processes from after a little vba manipulation in access. After reading through many forum threads I suddenly remembered that I had beaten this problem before, and had written the answer on the front of my O'Reilly Excel Macro book!
Firstly close down the excel objects properly and then add the magic 'END'. e.g.
Set xlWkSht = Nothing
Set xlWkBk = Nothing
Set xlApp = Nothing
DoCmd.Hourglass False ' Switch the hourglass off
MsgBox "The expenses spreadsheet has been formatted"
'This little baby is the key to shutting the excel process down
Give it a go, I hope this helps prevents someone from wasting as much time as I have on this!
Firstly close down the excel objects properly and then add the magic 'END'. e.g.
Set xlWkSht = Nothing
Set xlWkBk = Nothing
Set xlApp = Nothing
DoCmd.Hourglass False ' Switch the hourglass off
MsgBox "The expenses spreadsheet has been formatted"
'This little baby is the key to shutting the excel process down
Give it a go, I hope this helps prevents someone from wasting as much time as I have on this!