I have a split database, which was working fine on the first two machines it was implemented on. Development is ongoing on one with a test database, which is just a copy of the live database (I guess you'd call it the back end database) on machine two. Occasionally, data operations were performed on the back end from the development machine by simply using the Link Table Manager from the development machine. No problems. Oh, I didn't mention yet that security had been implemented months ago with a custom workgroup info file. Anyway, about two weeks ago, following installation of Microsoft Service Pack 1a on the back end machine, it became impossible to link the development machine app database to the back end db. I don't believe anything else significant changed. I have read tons of stuff on the subject of securing a database but can't come up with an answer. I understand this is complicated. Is it possible that something in updating XP has caused this or is it a coincidence? The back end files will work on either machine if both db files are used locally. The same mdw files exist on both machines. Whatever direction anyone out there might be able to give would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Don