I have an Access 97 database that has a table with a few different memo fields in it. This is a multiple user database and I am getting an error message that says !The Microsoft Jet database engine stopped the process because you and another user are attempting to change the same data at the same time. I have narrowed it down to a memo field in one of the tables that has #Error in it instead of the proper data. I remember reading about this problem in another forum and the solution was to upgrade the msjet.dll file to msjet35.dll. I have done that and still am having the problem. I would like to try to resolve this without deleting the record that contains this erro field because this table contains an auto/count field and the record has alot of data associated with it all referenced by the auto/count field. Can anyone suggest a fix. I've tried repairing the data container, but that does not eliminate the problem. I've also compated the data container... no luck. Help!!!!!!<br>